why sometime my cat eat grass?

2006-04-24 8:53 am

回答 (17)

2006-04-24 9:04 am
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Cats sometimes get upset stomach, they need to throw up. that's why they eat grass. but it doesn't eat any grass... though. it will only eat straight grass (don't know what it's called).

This is normal, also sometimes cats do this to remove hairball too. (cats can't spit)
2006-04-26 12:59 am
Cat's eat grass if they want to be sick...the grass helps them to be sick.
2006-04-24 3:57 pm
they do that because they have an upset stomach.
2006-04-24 3:57 pm
i dunno because our dogs also eat grass
2006-04-24 3:57 pm
Maybe it thinks it's a cow. :)
2006-04-24 3:57 pm
2006-04-24 3:56 pm
Usually a cat or dog does this when it has an upset stomach
2006-04-24 3:56 pm
I think your cat got diarrhea.
2006-04-24 3:56 pm
animals like the taste of grass, you can buy grass at the pet store that wont make them vomit.
2006-04-24 3:56 pm
Are you sure it is a cat it could be a cow
2006-04-24 3:56 pm
doesn't that make them vomit so then they won't have a tummy-ache
2006-04-24 3:56 pm
Basically for the same reasons why dogs eat grass. Which is basically the same reason why you would take pills that would stop you from puking and stuff.
2006-04-24 3:55 pm
well when my dog does that , the vet says he has a stomach disorder. A deworming injection will stop it
2006-04-24 3:55 pm
its ok. my dog does the same too.. Animals have natural instincts to seek out these sorta natural herbal treatment plants; especially when they are feeling a little bit whoozy. :)
2006-04-24 3:55 pm
ur cat is unwell. grass acts just like esapgol, the husk many people eat as a purgative. but grass acts as a purgative for cats only. u dont try that out!
2006-04-24 3:54 pm
Because the cat is nauseous. They do that to settle their stomachs.
參考: Asked my vet
2006-04-24 3:54 pm
She could have an upset stomach. Animals like dogs and cats naturally do that.

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