MY BF is only interested in one thing..?

2006-04-24 8:52 am
I feel he is only interested in S*x.I spent the weekend with him and it was all abt hot passionate s*x..nothing else .And he kept on braging about his previous GF..hundreds of them.

I am feeling sad and heartbroken.I just can't let him go.I love him so much.I am scared of losing him. At the same time I hate myself for being in this one- sided relationship.I feel like a sl*t..

回答 (12)

2006-04-24 8:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
well i am not instead u but i think u have to know his carachter well then make love to him .....i would like to ask u do this favor....delete love and then see what else will make u stay with him,what he has ...what he can give u ...if there is any other things that u like in him then continue this relation but if thats just love for his funny or hand some or have a good selfconfidence to keep u just as his prayer then its better to save ur time and dont continue with some kind of people like him
2006-04-24 4:33 pm
The question is about do u like it too?if u do ,then is no problem,but if u dont ,why dont u tell him and let him knows how u feel??by the way u gonna accept that all man love sex!!!
2006-04-24 4:14 pm
Your conscience is trying to tell you the truth.
You are being used by the selfish.
Get out. You don't know what love is, what you have is need.

Book: "10 stupid things women do to mess up their lives"
2006-04-24 4:13 pm
get a real man who can hold his own
sumone to love u but
can also love himself
sumone that cares for u
but can also care for him self
what im tryin to say is not to
babysit a man but to just love him
if he say he is a man
and thinks he`s one
then he should have no problem
takin tha responsibilities of a man
that mean before he can claim u
or say he has a boo, lover,
girl friend, or whatever
he must first say " i have a job,
i can support myself,
i`m able to depend on me"...
not momma, not daddy,
not auntie, nor uncle..
this is tha type of man
u want in your life
dont look to hard but
u can do some of tha searching..
or betta yet look at whats in front of u
i know love can sumtime take contol
but love cant pay them bills
when it gets cold
so let me know what u are goin to do
a independent sister like your self
in school, doin for your self,
got your car, and waitin on sumone
else to get right and
u`ve been waiting over a year?
naw that aint tha way to go
get yours and get sumone else
who got it together or on tha verge
cuz messing round with tired,
lazy, sorry, good for nuttin no bodies
aint no good for your soul,
it stresses u out
and it makes u worn out..
please boo dont stress your self
on sumone else and their stupidity....
Get A Real MAN!!!!

A poem for you....
2006-04-24 4:01 pm
guys love sex, thats how were built. Thats not wrong. whats wrong is when the power of a relationship is too one sided. Does he care for you. would he pick you up in the middle of the night if you had a flat tire? He will learn to love and show his love for you. For guys, it just takes longer. love him and he wil learn to return that same love.
2006-04-24 4:01 pm
you say you are in love with him. You need to examine why you are in love with him. if all he wants is sex then I don't see how u can be in love with him. If he only wants you for sex then he has no respect for you as a person and you don't want to be with someone who does not have respect for you
2006-04-24 3:58 pm
If you dnt feel confortable with it you should just tell him, a relationship shouldn't be based on sex anyway. Any man who goes on about their ex's is really wrong that dont make anyone feel special, you shoudn't feel like a slut if you say no and he dont stay around then he aint worth it but the only way you will know is if you try it.
2006-04-24 3:57 pm
Its better get rid of such guy?Once he needs what he want he may not be intrested in u as a person.
2006-04-24 3:56 pm
you know what..most of us men do think that dont be disheartened or sad...its just the way we are..

if it dsnt work out with him, just mail kiddin..take care
2006-04-24 3:55 pm
hes usin u 4 sex n as soon as it doesnt work 4him anymore he'l dump you... dont give him the satisfaction n you do it 1st... if he DOES feel anything for you it will bother him... if not then it wont,but either way you'l find out 1 way or the other... your worth more than he's giving you

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