if a person is asking exact book value on their car, should you still offer them a little less, or pay....?

2006-04-23 4:09 pm
asking price? if offer less, how much less.
(Note: i somewhat know this person, & lives close by)
thanks for answers.

回答 (8)

2006-04-23 4:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Of course you should offer them less, they are probably deluding themselves on the value anyway even if they went to kbb.com for their appraisal. I just checked a car out then performed my own valuation an kbb.com. The result I got was $1700.00 versus their $2500. (bought it for $700.00) after pointing out the worn tires, broken windshield wipers etc. Just haggle and don't show too much interest in the car, that will tip the scales in the sellers favor.The worst they can do is say no. Of course if you REALLY want the car.........
2006-04-24 12:13 am
Good Question. I love this question. Again, though, like so many of these questions, they leave out some necessary info. So I'll list the questions along with my assumptions, and then respond accordingly.....it gets complicated..lol..ok, WHY would you want to do that? If he's asking a fair price and you want the car, then buy it. Some people ask more than somethings worth and then the people offer less and then they counter that offer and then ...etc etc etc......it's a stupid game if you ask me. It would be easier and faster if people would just be honest and direct. Some apparently have a blast trying to 'trick' or out bluff each other. That's one good reason for the blue-book. Takes the guessing out of it for the average person who knows little or nothing about something sooo expensive. Also, if you want to be sure he's not rippin you off, take it for a compression check at a gas station...$10. maybe.....The mechanic will tell you why...BEFORE you agree to buy it. Remember 'let the buyer beware' is generally how the law feels about it, so cover your butt. If he's not being greedy, though, and he's on the up and up, then why should you be greedy. Fair is Fair. IF, however, you really want this car, and just don't have the money, but you have some amount less....then just say that to him. Maybe he's desperate. Maybe he doesn't care that much...whatever. There's no harm in asking. As long as you are honest and straight. Remember this if you forget everything else: EACH INTERACTION WITH OTHERS WHETHER IT BE PERSONAL OR BUSINESS THAT YOU HAVE IN YOUR LIFE GETS RECORDED AND DISCUSSED AND REMEMBERED, AND COLLECTIVELY THESE MEMORIES BECOME YOUR REPUTATION. It's up to you and only you. If you want people to trust and respect you or would you rather people were suspicious of you and didn't believe you. It takes along time to build trust and give your word power. It takes one second to destroy. It's really the only thing that you and only you have control over. Nobody but you. It could be the most powerful tool you have, or can get. It could also be useless. Your choice.
參考: life
2006-04-23 11:17 pm
Take some evidence of what other people are asking for same make/model.Private for sale ads in papers, magazines etc. If they are all asking approx the same still try offering lower but don't be surprised if its not accepted.
2006-04-23 11:16 pm
If you are going to pay book value, the car had better exactly match up to the condition specified for that value. And you'd better be sure that it has no hidden problems that will need a fix- If you have to spend money to fix something on the car that you discovered, just to bring it up to book condition, you've lost out. I say give yourself some breathing room, don't pay book unless you're a mechanic or something, and absolutely sure.
2006-04-23 11:13 pm
Get the price down. You know him so he owes you a discount by social law. When you look at the car make sure hes there and make a note of talking aloud about what you see on the car and just mention all the bad things about it you can see then offer him a lower price and pull the money out of your pocket and say here it is now....... the temptation will be to great to resist.
2006-04-23 11:12 pm
OF COURSE.. offer less and GIVE less
2006-04-23 11:11 pm
offer less and tell them it's all you can afford. people rarely actually get book value.
2006-04-23 11:11 pm
depends on the car and that, but yeah deffo ask few quid cheaper at end of day worse they can say is no sorry!!

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