Is it acceptable for a married woman to receive perfume from a male single friend?

2006-04-19 2:09 am
Is he just being nice or is there something more to it? Does it make a difference if it is a birthday gift?

回答 (13)

2006-04-19 11:39 am
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Guy's consider perfume as a "safe" gift. Most of the time they have no idea what to get us so they resort to perfume. A lot of them don't even care about the smell as long as it's nicely packaged.So don't worry. You should worry if he starts giving you sexy undies !
2006-04-19 2:20 am
if he is just a friend why the giving of the perfume? why not a something not personal . a gift card will do...friend..
2006-04-19 2:20 am
You haven't done anything wrong but I will tell you to watch out. Why is this man giving you gifts when he knows you are married? It might all seem so very harmless and a bit of extra attention is always welcome but you are treading on dangerous ground and if you want to keep your marriage then you must discourage any more of this type of behavior from this man. Single men friends always want to be more than friends. He knows what he's doing and it won't work out good for you. I have seen this sort of thing before and it almost cost my sister her marriage. Don't let it happen to you. There are guys out there that go after married women but mean no good by them.
2006-04-19 2:19 am
Technically no. He should not be buying you gifts. Tell him it was very nice of him to think of you, but you can't accpt it. If he insists, then tell him to ask your husband if he minds, and if he is willing, than you can accept it. That way, nobody can accuse anyone of anything, and everyone is happy.
2006-04-19 2:17 am
Yes and NO. It depends if it was Christmas than you can accepted. If he just buying it just to be buying it than No. Ask yourself would you get mad if your husband accept cologne from a single woman friend if your answer is yes than you know it’s wrong for you to accept perfume from a single male friend…..
2006-04-19 2:16 am
If it is a birthday gift, I would say it is fine. Most men have a lot of trouble buying a gift for a woman, weather it is their lover, sister or friend. I am guessing he just thought perfume is a nice gift to give to a woman.

If this was just a random gift for no reason, I would surely say it was inappropriate, for a birthday, it is nice. I hope you thanked him.
2006-04-19 2:17 am
I would confront your male friend about what his intentions are giving you the gift. If he says it is only because of friendship, accept the gift. If he says it is for something more than just friends, tell him you flattered but you must decline the gift.
2006-04-19 2:16 am
Well really there is nothing wrong with it. You just need to know his intentions...I don't mean ask either. Really it's not a big deal, and I'm all about the not doing inappropriate things while married stuff. My husband and I have a lot of single male friends, and they bring me flowers, watch my girls for me, help me clean, bring me little gifts here and there, take me--and my husband out---but they aren't doing it because they want me like that. They do it because I cook big meals for everyone to eat, I help with their laundry, and when needed I am a shoulder to lean on, and an ear to talk off. But we never do ANYTHING alone that we would be ashamed to do in front of my husband.
2006-04-19 2:14 am
I would just make sure he understands it is just a "friend" situation. Married people are more of an interest to single people because they know they cannot have them and it makes them more attractive.
2006-04-19 2:13 am
I would say no, I mean it's just a gift and he is your friend. Okay so this time it's perfume, if you are suspecting him of "something more to it" then maybe you'll see it in the next gift. I think perfume is pretty minor, personally I wouldn't think anything like that if a guy gave me perfume.

Hope I helped.
2006-04-19 2:12 am
depends on the friend. If he has been your friend for a while or you say something like "he's like a brother" then it's probably ok. Or he's gay.
2006-04-19 2:11 am
Sure, as long as you like it. If it's not your choice, say sorry, can't except it.
2006-04-19 2:11 am
its only unacceptable if you think of it as more. unless you're doing the giving, you're doing nothing wrong.

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