how's the lifestyle in London?

2006-04-15 9:59 am

回答 (7)

2006-04-17 11:03 am
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I live in SOuth London and love it. Not sure why people think its oppresive, dirty or over run with tourists....these people surely just go to the touriste tastic areas of oxford st and leicester square! Living in London is great, the tube network is easy to use and can get you most places in under an hour which is great when you consider how big the city is. The culture is fantastic - cinemas, theatres, some of the best museums in the world, the churches, landmarks, you never get fed up of the view of the london eye and westminster by the river. The parks are great and the food is so varied - you can never get bored. There is always something to see and do, dont think you could get the same anything anywhere else in the uk. Sure life is busy - never seem to have weekend doing nothing - but thats cos you dont want to miss anything. Go straight from work to a bar, to dinner, to the theatre to a picnic in the park (in the summer!), its definitely non stop and yes quite a lot of us do do it!
2006-04-17 2:28 pm
Fast Paced
Highly populated
Great base for European and UK travel
Gorgeous architecture
A mosaic of nationalities
2006-04-16 7:01 pm
It is very different from the north, less friendly, people are rude and just don't seem to care, you can't even look and smile at people when you walk down the street. Yeh there are some really interesting places to visit and some wonderful buildings, and yes there were some friendly people there. However when I went to visit London, I was counting down the days to go back home.
2006-04-15 12:22 pm
Very cosmopolitan with something for everyone. Only trouble is a good deal of people are making too much effort to look cool and not doing enough smiling. I always find it a challenge to get someone to smile back at me on the tube but they either think I'm on the make or mad!
2006-04-15 10:12 am
As opposed to...? Where? I live on the outskirts of London and avoid travelling into London itself if I can help it. It's better for tourists but not great to live there - it's oppressive, dirty, and grey. The nightlife is great but very commercial.
Hope this helps!
2006-04-15 10:04 am
I lived there last year and enjoyed it but the quality of life (food, weather, health, finance) was better in Sydney where I come from. Its a great international city though and I definately enjoyed my time. The cost of accomodation is the most difficult thing to overcome and I lived in one room in a four room house to enable me to save and travel more. I LOVE the shows, the buildings, the public transport and the history. That is the best part. 8/10
2006-04-17 1:19 pm
Very cosmopolitan - there's more languages spoken in London than any other city on Earth.

It's hard to pin down any decription of the culture and lifestyle in London because there are so many! It's best described as a collection of many tiny villages, all with their own unique character.

And Londoners can be friendly - we're just busy! :)

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