can you get pregrant on your first time having sex? or what are the chances?

2006-04-08 6:45 pm
its the first time and didn't use protection what are the chance of this person getting pregrant

回答 (39)

2006-04-08 6:59 pm
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It is entirely possible.You can go to your doctor for an emergency contraceptive within the first five days,but it is unpleasant.There are side effects,like feeling nauseous and crampy.However, it sure as heck beats the pain of childbirth and the subsequent stress of raising a child you aren't prepared to raise.It is NOT the same as abortion, because the emergency contraceptive pills prevent the egg and sperm cell from forming a zygote,which is a fetilized egg and the beginning of the fetus.I would also suggest getting on birth control a.s.a.p.,and make him use a condom if you intend to continue to have sex.And get tested for std's.
2006-04-08 8:37 pm
Yes, she could get pregnant. She could get pregnant anytime you don't use protection. There is even a possibility that she could get pregnant if you do use protection, but that is a much smaller chance. He chance of getting pregnant would be that same Chance she would have of getting pregnant if you had unprotected sex everyday.
2006-04-08 6:58 pm
Yes, you can get pregnant your first time; your odds at getting pregnant are the same for your first time as they are for your 100th depending on where the egg is and how long it's been since your last period. (A woman ovulates about 14 days before her period...and if the egg isn't fertilized within 12-24 hours then it will disitigrate) but keep in mind there is no sure fire way of timing what your body is doing. Your best bet is to go to the doc & get a perscription for a method of bith control (pill, patch, ring, injection, iud...whichever sounds best to you). Lastly, remember to have him wear a can't ever be too safe when it comes to sexually transmitted diseases, especially since most of them are hard to detect.
2006-04-08 6:53 pm
It has nothing to do with the fact that it's her first time. It just depends on what day in her cycle she was sexually active. There are only certain days in her cycle that she can get pregnant. If she doesn't know what days those are, she is probably too young to have sex anyway. She needs to educate herself before she is ready to make the decision to have sex. She needs to see a counselor or a doctor. You won't know if she's pregnant until she misses her next period! Please take the time to educate yourself also before you have sex again. Aren't you smart enough to at least use protection?
2006-04-08 6:53 pm
Yes u can, I know several ppl who got pregnant having sex for the first time. Realistically if it's your first or 10,000th If you are fertile at the time, you can concieve. it being your first has no bearance as to whethr or not you will get pregnant and therefore the chances are the same as any other time you have unprotected sex.
since on average a woman ovulates for approximately 3 days out of the month ur 'chances' (first time and beyond) are around 3 in 31...

good luck, be safe, and hope he's worth losing it for....lots of jerks out there that take your virginity and you get stuck remembering him forever.
2006-04-08 6:52 pm
Yes you can get pregnant. If you use condoms the condom may break. If you are on birth control then it is only 98% reliable (it may be 98 but there is still 2% left lol) If you pull out the there is something that comes out of the penis called pre-ejaculate. That has some sperm in it and can get you pregnant.
2006-04-08 6:51 pm
OH YA!!!! Definitely yes! You can get pregnant no matter if it is your first time or not. Why did you not use protection? Do you realize how many sexually transmitted diseases there are? Gonorrhea, syphilis, HIV/aids, herpes. These are just a few of them. You should always use protection because not only do you risk the chance of getting a disease, you also risk the chance of pregnancy. Unless you are in a serious relationship and know for a fact that each of you are free of diseases then you should always protect yourselves. Hope that this has helped.
2006-04-08 6:50 pm
I'm afraid there are many variables determining the chance of getting pregnant upon each sexual intercourse, for example the maturity of the ovum, the sperm count, the pH inside the uterus, etc... so it is not possible to give a value.

However, whether there has been any previous experience or not does not have much to do with the chance of pregnancy. You can get pregnant for your first time, but not BECAUSE it's your first time.
2006-04-08 6:50 pm
That all depends on a number of factors. It is possible to get pregnent the first time you have sex. But, it depends on what point in her cycle she was at. If she was ovulating, it is likely. If not, then you are probably okay. Use protection from now on!!! Be smart about it, you don't want to end up a teenage parent or with a disease.
2006-04-08 6:49 pm
You can get pregnant anytime while having sex, it doesn't matter if it is the first time or not. If you didn't use protection, there is a very HIGH chance that she can get pregnant.

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