I confessed my feeling to my professor, and how come he replied me like this?

2006-04-07 7:24 am
I was his student before and now i am graduated. i started to have feelings for him more than 6 months now. at the last day of school, i gave him a letter and confess my love. I didnt ask him to be with me coz i was wondering if he is already married. 2 weeks later, he sent me this email saying that the letter was sweet,'i am not sure what to say'.. and that he is married with a kid. he wish he was free,etc. so that lead me on. I asked him if he likes me. i know i am so wrong asking that to a married man. but when i was almost ready to move on, he gave me such a reply. so i asked him, and he still saying that ' if i was single i would be.' what is that suppose to mean? if he is not interested, just simply tell me he is not interested. i cant stop crying and wandering the whole thing

and now except the part of feeling sad, i also feel so bad asking a married guy.

i am 26 and he is 37

回答 (30)

2006-04-07 7:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but number one, men say that sometimes to keep from giving you the impression that you are not good enough. Number two, married men are bad news. They normally won't make anything serious out of a side relationship. Imagine if you were the wife or the kid. The best thing you can do, in order to save yourself alot of hurt and depression is to move on no mwtter what he says. You are putting yourself on a cliff and no one is holding a stick for you to grab. I mean, what are you expecting from him? You have to already know that he's going to be weary of losing his relationship. I'm sure it hurts to hear, and for that I'm sorry. But you need to be honest with yourself. THis isn't going to be good for you if you go through with it. You deserve better! You deserve someone who can give you ALL of their love and not a small fraction of it. Don't feel guilty, it's natural, that you already had feelings for him before you knew, and it probably made you want him even more, knowing that he's a responsible man., and that you can't have him.
2006-04-07 7:44 am
He is saying that he made a commitment to his wife, and that means he is not interested. If he had not made the commitment he would be interested. Don't put more into it than that. It is impossible to control who you will or will not develop feelings for. The secret is knowing when to pursue the feelings. Unfortunately this is an instance when not to pursue. It is good to feel bad asking a married guy, it's your conscience telling you it is wrong. You will be attracted to different people your whole life. It's normal.
2006-04-07 7:39 am
its ok.sometimes it happens.u dont feel bad..u just expressed wat u feel.theres nothing to feel bad.
and about him i think that he is interested in u.but dont wanna mislead u.he can directly approach u without revealing about his married life.but he dint do so.its nice of him.
now u should think of ur life carefully.do u really need a married guy.cant u get someone who not only interested in u but also loves u and marries u.gives u a wonderful life..
if u go after this married guy u may not get someone who loves u..
and more if u want a relationship with ur professor then that wud b only physical.he cant give u emotional support.cos he is not only husband of someone else but also a father of a kid.
and if u make him to marry u,then remember u r spoiling a woman n a kid's life.
so think it over 1ce again n take a good decision.
god bless u.good luck
2006-04-07 7:35 am
Sounds like he's trying to let you down easily. He's saying there's a physical attraction, but he can't and won't do anything about it because he's married. Move on, that's my best advice for you. Trying to pursue a married man leads to nothing but trouble for the both of you.
2006-04-07 7:35 am
Be practical gal!!!! Can't u see tat he is denying u indirectly. Dont create a mess for urself unnecessarily by putting stepforth in such a relation which doesn't have any sense n meaning. N besides if u really love him then i think u should be rather happy in seeing him happy and not by trying 2 win him. Just leave him! He is happily married and has a kid. If u think even .1% morally then u will find tat the thought of such a thing is itself a sin.......so just imagine what it would be 2 commit it!!!!!!!!1
Don't take my answer as a rude 1.......just b cool.....keep urself out of such things....let the right time come n atleast may I request u 2 have faith in the Lord n wait 4 the life 2 present u with wonderful surprises at the right time?????
Take care gal!!
2006-04-07 7:34 am
He's just trying to find out if u wanna have an affair with him now even when u know he's married. It's a guilt free affair for him because he told u that he's not single, right? He could be just being nice anyway.Stay away from him! He's not interested to have a real relationship with u!
2006-04-07 7:31 am
Ok he should have told you straight up that he's married and won't get involved with you, it maybe that he doesn't really know how to handle the situation. Let him go you'll find your someone someday, it just takes a little faith, and hope. So cheer up, I think everyone has been in this type of situation, falling in love with someone who can't or won't be with you, its tough but what doesn't kill us only makes us stronger.
2006-04-07 7:30 am
You are not emotionally stable enough for a relationship with ANY man, let alone one whom is NOT available to you. There are plenty of single men, be a smart cookie and go locate one. Why are 'nice' young women so ready to hate on other women in this way???
2006-04-07 7:28 am
You should feel bad in a way for asign even though you knew he was married. hes trying to turn you down without beign mean. IF he were single he would be interested but hes married and obviously values his vows. Respect his response and marriage and move on. Youll find soemoen else, olderm n love younger girls youre bound to find a new crush
2006-04-07 7:28 am
Perhaps he's trying hard not to hurt your feelings. Sometimes it's a way some guys say no, so that the girl does not feel sad. Thank your stars he did not say yes. Get on with life forget him, there are many others.

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