i got beep sound from my pc often when my cell phone is near, is it harmful to the computer and/or the phone?

2006-04-06 6:42 pm

回答 (3)

2006-04-06 6:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It is not a problem for both the computer and the cell as cell phone is a wireless communication, cell recieves the content in the form of a wave so during the wave transfer there will be lot of disturbances and the computer will easy identify the wave transfer. so better keep ur cell away from the system.
2006-04-06 6:45 pm
Well no it is not. The reason why a computer or a laptoop would "buzz" or hum" is because if you have a cellphone or a house phone that is active, befoe, durring, the call the phone communication waves, would make your computer buzz because of the radio waves that are near the computer. also because the computer does not know the frequncy for the phone, that is why it bussez
參考: www.hp.com
2006-04-06 6:45 pm
There's probably some interference. I suggest to either keep your cell phone away from your computer or turn the phone off when near. I'm really not sure if this would do any damage to either, but better safe than sorry.

Hope this helps.

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