Will US give amnesty for those huge amount of illegal immigrant shortly?

2006-04-05 7:43 am

回答 (10)

2006-04-05 8:11 am
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We are talking about 11 or 12 million people. No matter how good our government can be there is no way that we will ever round them up and deport them. First of all we can not afford to,the cost of sending 12 million people back to where they come from would eat up a lot of taxes. That does not count having the manpower or facilities to hold them while processing is going on. The bad thing about a blanket amnesty is that in many cases only the breadwinner of a family is now here, if allowed to stay they most certainly will want to bring their families over here as well. Yet the only way our government can save face with the problem is to start over with new rules and more manpower to fight the problem and I am afraid that means giving an amnesty to those that are currently here. They may try to call it a work for citizenship or residence program, however it will be an amnesty program anyway no matter how you look at it.
2006-04-05 2:57 pm
Pilgrim fathers were called illegal immigrants.A civil war ended all disputes.Illegal immigrants came with an idea that U.S.A.is a country which gives them freedom,jobs,and cash not available whence they migrated.They must be screened in case their integrity is doubted but should not be inconvenienced if they promise to be good.
2006-04-05 2:52 pm
After listening to the Conservative talk radio, and hearing the fear in their reporting, I believe that some sort of guest worker program will be passed. I do not believe that anyone will call it an amnesty, although it may work out that way.

Money always talks in Congress, and too many big businesses depend on the lower wages paid to immigrant labor. The good thing about legalizing them is that wages will go up, just as they did after the 1988 amnesty.
2006-04-05 2:49 pm
2006-04-05 2:49 pm
Most likely not.
2006-04-05 2:49 pm
I hope not. They did that once, and here we are a few years later, same problem again.
2006-04-05 2:48 pm
Only when they meet the same criteria your ancestors did when they came here if it was since 1925. You must pass every exam given by the Immigration Board and then request for citizenship, and maybe then - approved. The process takes a minimum of 5 years, if your lucky. I'm only 2ND generation American.
2006-04-05 2:47 pm
2006-04-05 2:46 pm
Most likely. AND, probably for the First few years they help Subsidize them while they make the same Money as you. I know!!! Seen it before!!!! I know!!!!
2006-04-05 2:44 pm
With almost certainty, no. The political climate of congress will not allow such an action to be passed.

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