Need help!!!!?

2006-03-23 1:20 pm
Okay my boy friend and i were walking in the park you know. Okay focuase none of the kids at school know were together then me him and our other friends goes to the park the next day and he says he loves my friend what should i do????

回答 (28)

2006-03-23 1:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
simple. just dump him. if he say's i love you then love some one else the next day. its called puppy love and he's a loser.
2006-03-23 9:57 pm
Well going off of your post i would go up to this guy and give him a huge hug and tell him thank you for being honest, how many posts on here do you see women talking about how for months their man had a affair with their best friend and they just found out, your dude didnt do that to you, he was honest about how he felt, then i would go to my friend and tell her good luck hun and take care of him, all with the biggest smile on your face, it will let them know that YOU ARE the bigger person in this situation, and once that sets in to your soon to be ex hes going to feel like crap that he let a girl like you go, and as far as any further involvment with those people, i would just back out and tell both of them that you think it would be uncomfortable for all of you to just hang out at the corner cafe and you just want to let them be so they can create what ever kind of relationship they would like to, and then go out and find new people to hang out with, call up people that used to be close to you that you havnt called in months, things like that but be happy that you at least can hold your head up high because you didnt throw a temper tantrum and you held your cool and you know you did the best you could of with the situation, good luck babes
參考: been involved in two many of these triangles, the best way is to hold your head up high and walk out with tact and a smile :) no matter what end of the triangle you are on
2006-03-23 9:52 pm
I'm not sure if I can grasp what you're asking. But if I'm right, this guy is a loser. It's puppy love. But you should seriously think it over. Was he joking, or serious? If this guy "LOVES" two girls in two days, he's trying to get other people to like him. He's a wannabee.
2006-03-23 9:44 pm
Its very easy 2 dump some1 even more easy 2 abuse some1. the best way is 2 look at the other side of the coin. gv him a healthy break for a while .... if it wilts him, its ur stuff else .. life goes on luv ..... cheers ... God bless i know its hard but its worth a try ....
2006-03-23 9:44 pm
Pleeeease move on. Get away from him, fast!! There's more decent guys to fall in love with.. c'mon hun, been there, done that.
2006-03-23 9:38 pm
This is absolutly ridioues !!!
If u bf really love u he won't be easy to dump u
i think u better let him go!!
2006-03-23 9:31 pm
If you really care for him, let him go. If you're meant to be together it'll happen somewhere down the line. In the mean time, be his friend. But, don't swoon over him. Your best energy is spent being with someone else who makes you happy!
2006-03-23 9:29 pm
First of all don't freek out and start screaming at him because at least he was being sincerer and I most been a really hard thing to admit. Just ask him if he already did something with her if he says yes bust a cap in his *** if he says no thank him for being a real gentleman hug him and tell him that if he needs you you will always be there for him.
2006-03-23 9:29 pm
I think u will save u'r self a lot of pain to just forget about a relationship with him, u'r gonne get hurt.
2006-03-23 9:28 pm
Dump him, he wasn't really ur boyfriend if nobody new about ur relationship. Now he tells u that he loves another friend. He's not good 4 u, find someone better.

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