about pedigree. please choose the best answer and explain why?

2006-03-23 10:01 am
4)Pat and Peter are brothers in a pedigree. They are F5 generation. It is found that one is taller than the other, which of the following may contribute to such difference?
B.meiosis and diet
C.fertilization and meiosis
D.diet, meiosis and fertilization.

回答 (1)

2006-03-29 11:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I think it's D because 1. diet always plays a factor in growth, 2. after the fifth generation, the crossing-over of genes during meiosis in each generation can cause variations in the height of the brothers, and 3. because fertilization is where the effects of meiosis (different haploid cells) come into play to make the next generation.

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