How does aerobic respiration work?

2006-03-23 9:44 am

回答 (2)

2006-03-23 11:35 am
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aerobic respiration works by breaking down glucose into carbon dioxide and water molecules. This provides the cell a chemical form of energy called ATP which is used for all cellular functions. The way it works is by a series of chemical reactions that creates ATP molecules by breaking bonds in the glucose. It is often called a step wise reaction because it take several steps. The reason for this is so all the engery is not realeased at onces creating a lot of heat. (For example burning sugar realeases all the enrgey quickly, but creates a lot of wasted heat) First the gluclose is broken down into pyruciv acid in the cytoplasam, which creates 2 ATP, then in the mitochondria it is broken down further sending molecueles with Hydrogen atoms to the Electron Transport Chain where oxygen is needed. This is why it is call aerobic respiration. This is the main ATP (energy) producing step. Overall for each glucose molecule you get a net gain of about 32 ATPs I believe.

If you want more details, just look it up in a biology book. I am sure there are great diagrams you could look at to help see the process.
參考: High School Biology Teacher
2006-03-23 6:38 pm
....aerobic respiration....?
aerobic respiration is different from anaerobic respiration.aerobic respiration occur mostly in all somatic cells. aerobic respiration is a process which COMPLETELY breakdown glucose into carbon dioxide and water and release energy, and CONSUME oxygen. Mitochondria are involved.

glucose+oxygen------------->carbon dioxide+water+ energy1

and ADP+phosphate+energy1---->ATP

when insufficent of energy, ATP will be broken down again, releasing energy.

respiration is a process which oxidize glucose to release energy from it into uswful form
參考: my bio book

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