what is a good way to lose weight fast?

2006-03-21 8:15 am
I need to lose weight fast like in 6 months and it has to be at least 40 pounds

回答 (25)

2006-03-25 8:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
try taboo
WHAT to eat for losing weight

• Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, especially NC (negative calorie) food.

* Print these lists. They will be your ... "Bible", from now on !
* Dill and parsely - include them in all your salads. Also ognion + garlic.
* Try eat mostly fresh vegs & fruits (whenever possible, of course)
* If you really want a book, then check this out: The Negative Calorie Diet Workbook & Cookbook - eBook (Win95/98 only). Read more about this e-book here.

• Eat fish, chicken, beef, pork. (preferences are in this order)

* If you are a vegetarian, then ignore this!
* Avoid fat meat

• Eat 2-3 slices of bread/day. Don't EVER exclude bread from your diet!

• Snacks between meals (if needed): apples, oranges, grepfruits and other NC fruits

* Don't cheat ... NO cookies, chips, candies, brownies etc!
* EVEN if they have "low fat" indication... They might have low fat, yet they can have lots of CALORIES !!!

• About rice, potatoes, beans, [xxx]nuts, pastry, pasta... you know!

* Don't eat too much of those, at least during the first weeks of the diet. I'm not a low carb addict, but I've noticed weight gains if consuming those in large quantities, especially when associated with other foods.
* If you like them a lot, try and eat them like one meal. A nice delicious plate of spaghetti could be your lunch (never dinner!), followed by a nice big apple. These rich starch foods are not good for dinner!
* At dinner time, chose mainly large mixed veggies salads... with fish, lean meat or cheese (if you are not a vegetarian).

if u want to lose weight the best food to it are baked potatoes with nothing on it. no salt no nothing just plain. u can eat a 10000000000 baked potatoes till ur stuff and not gain a pound. i heard that from a weight loss tape. the best drink is water or gatorade. thats a start then when you work out do some taeboo. if u want a macine. run with dumbells on a treadmill. u could do the rocky workout. but thats a new story. u could use a butterfly macine i think it works the abs

1) It is not just the amount you eat, but what you eat. Lean meats and vegtables that snap are a good place to start. And by snap I mean fresh and not boiled or doused with better or whatever.

2) Exercise moderatly but for about an hour every other day. Spend half of that walking or running at a good enough pace for you to feel labored. The other half of the time use weights, or exercises such as push ups or situps to get a muscle "burn". A gym is also an option, but I don't know if you have the money for or want to spend the money on it.

3) Sleep well. To bed earlier and up earlier. Exercise in the morning when you wake up, not in the evening before bed. 7 hours of GOOD sleep is a must.

4) Occupy yourself with a hobby that keeps your attention for a long period of time. A hobby like this keeps your mind focused and gives less of a chance for snacking from boredom.

That is a good place to start... if you see good results, keep it up and modify to fit you... if it does not, see a doctor AND a trainer

Keep working out, drink water a lot, eat 5 to 6 meals a day but in small quantities, vegtables are important specially cucumber and lattice, fruits not be eaten after meals except by 2 to 3 hours, minimize the starch quantities in your meals lots of salad is important, your last meal must be before you sleep by 2 to 3 hours
the most important thing is you don't lose patient wait and have a strong will to be as what you want

you might have some more ideas from www.ivillage.com

good luck
2016-08-16 2:26 pm
參考: Burn 2 lbs fast with this... https://briskurl.com/?899vy
2016-03-13 7:57 pm
Most people would tell you diet and exercise more. Well I've got a way you can lose 40 pounds in 2 months. Want to know why! 1. Set Up Realistic Weight Loss Goals. Don't set a weird goal like 10 pound a day no. 2. Drink Plenty of Water. Drink about 6-8 glass of water per day. 3. Chew More Slowly when You Eat. If you eat 5 smaller a day you will accomplish your goal, but pleas don't eat three enormous meal. That would actual get you fatter. 4. Exercise at least 30 minuets per day. Pleas stay away from pills they could kill you, some pills could help but there is a few that do help. If you follow this correctly you will achieve your weight goal.
2006-03-21 10:12 am
Cut out sugar and alot of Caffeine. No sodas Drink water and Eat Subway Turkey cheese lettuce ad least 2 times a week It really works
2006-03-21 8:28 am
I lost three stone in three weeks. Don't recommend it though, it is a shock to the system.

I just changed my lifestyle to the other extreme. I stopped drinking alcohol which lost me a whole stone and a half. I ate very small meals six times a day (they can still be tasty just small portions).

I went to the gym four times a week and slowly built up my fitness. You need to use the attitude that just because I can't run for more than 5 minutes today doesn't mean I can't do it tomorrow.

I ate bread and carbohydrates in the morning. Worked out in the afternoon and ate protein in the evening (no later than 7pm).
2006-03-21 8:28 am
Most would say, to diet, to exercise, etc. Yet my view is that u'd better ask yourself why u want to lose weight. That is, your "Drive". Keeping fit for taking wedding photos? This' a clear goal. Keeping fit for looking better? Hm... not good enough.

For me, I talked of keeping fit for months and the effect is not at all satisfactory (15x pounds for a 5'6" male). But if there is a gun pointing to my head forcing me to sign a contract to lose some 20 pounds in 3 months, or I pay 1 million, I guess I will succeed.
2006-03-21 8:26 am
2lb a week is a healthy but challenging rate of weight loss so you have time! The only way is to eat healthily but use up more calories than you eat. I found that joining a slimming club was helpful - the discipline of being weighed every week and sharing progress (or not!) with others really focusses the mind. Asking a friend or colleague to weigh you and keep a record has a similar effect I found!! Good luck
2006-03-21 8:26 am
Diet and exercise. Though not the most popular or the most fun, it is the best and safest way to lose weight permanently. When you do it this way, you also learn the emotional side of why you're overweight, so that you're less likely to go back to your old ways once you've reached your goal. A sensible goal would be to lose about 2 pounds per week. If you do it this way, you'll have lost 48 pounds in six months...more than you need. When you look at it that way, it seems more than do-able, doesn't it? And it is. I wish you much success. <*)))><
參考: www.tops.org
2006-03-21 8:25 am
I've put myself on a strict diet and lost 6 kilos in 6 weeks...about one kilo a week:
I only ate fruit, vegetables, yoghurt and all that kind of stuff.
Stopped drinking coffee, no sugar, no cookies, no chocolate, no alcohol. Every time I felt hungry, I grabbed an apple or a carrot or drank a glass of water. No problem at all. Now I have any kind of food, but keep on avoiding the sweet things.
Each time the weather is nice, I go for a long walk.
Just as simple as that. Advice...don't get on the scale every 5 minutes...
2006-03-21 8:19 am
Well first of all you should start going to the gym. You should do atleast 45min of cardio with weights. Pull ups, sit ups and so on will help you turn fat into muscle and also burn excess fat. You will lose about 10 pounds in the first 2 weeks but it will mostly be water. You should watch your diet and don't eat carbs.

1.Watch diet

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