How to clean stain on Ostrich leather bag?

2006-03-21 2:57 am

回答 (3)

2006-03-22 9:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If the stain darkened the leather most cleaners will not remove it. The darkness is from the moisture penetrating into the hide. If you want to try some cleaners try coach, No Bull or Lexol, those are the best. Also try taking a hair dryer about 2 feet away from the area (DO NOT BURN IT) for a few seconds and then bend and stretch the area. Sometimes these types of stains will break down with this method.
2016-11-13 11:46 pm
Ostrich Leather Purse
2006-03-21 3:42 am
Try saddle soap, its soft gentle and works on most leather products. You can buy in can that foams, works great on all leather products. Spray soft cloths and rub into leather. Do whole thing as it could change color slightly and if you do whole thing then whole bag will be clean.

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