Can humans be born with the absence of an umbilical cord? Do not take into account cloning.?

2006-03-20 6:50 am

回答 (7)

2006-03-20 6:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Actually the answer for cloning is also no. If we were to clone a human the baby would not grow in a lab. The embryo would still be implanted in to a women just like baby's being born via in vitro fertilization.
2006-03-21 5:51 am
no, the umbilical provides the nutrients for the baby when it is in the womb. if there was no umbilical cord, there would be no baby. The baby would have died long before birth
2006-03-20 4:11 pm
only in the matrix
2006-03-20 11:25 am
umbilical cord is used to get nutrients, antibodies, oxygen, etc. for the foetus from mother. Also it provides a medium for carbon dioxide and metabloc waste to diffuse out.
umbilical cord is very important to foetus
2006-03-20 6:59 am
they will be born dead and like a millimeter big
2006-03-20 6:56 am
no because the umbilical cord is how they get all their food and nutrients.
2006-03-20 6:56 am

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