I want to ask something about identical twins?

2006-03-19 2:59 pm
identical twins comes from the same zygote. Why do such thing occur? one egg split into two individual? there are many identical twins in nature( cats, pigs,...), but why so rare in homo sapien. is that concerned to evolution?

also, can I ask how a fertilized egg divide into two individual. after many mitosis, how can a ball of cells, cut by "iron curtain" and then seperate into two balls of cells. is that happen randomly? is that disorder of something, not mutation? or is it being inherited?

回答 (9)

2006-03-19 3:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Twinning isn't that rare in humans, its now something like 30% per 1,000 births. Recent research has suggested that a genetic predisposition may exist but the exact cause for the splitting of a zygote or embryo is still unknown.
2016-10-15 4:42 pm
How Multiples Are formed "How twins are formed: similar twins are led to by 1 egg being fertilized by 1 sperm. sometime after fertilization, the egg splits into 2 genetically similar halves. similar twins are continuously of an similar sex (besides the actual undeniable actuality that there has been very uncommon, as in practically 4 circumstances, of opposite sex similar because of genetic abnormality). They share one hundred% of their genes, and are absolutely, organic clones. Fraternal twins are formed even as 2 eggs are released by the mummy, and each and each and every egg is fertilized by a distinct sperm. Fraternal twins might want to be of an similar or opposite sex. They share as a lot as 50% of their genes, and aren't any extra alike or different than any 2 siblings will be. it is likewise plausible for fraternals to be of different races or parentage, or to be conceived at different cases, ensuing in a huge weight distinction at start. there's a third style of twinning that scientists are searching into, talked about as polar body twinning, or "0.5 similar" twinning. this happens even as the mummy's egg splits before fertilization and then each and each and every 0.5 is then fertilized by a sperm. this would clarify why some fraternal twins (such as the Olsen twins) look as alike as some identicals, regardless of the undeniable fact that it hasn't been shown that it takes position. Conjoined twins type precisely like similar twins, yet in some unspecified time sooner or later in the course of the extent the position the only egg splits, the approach stops, and the twins advance connected to at least one yet another. this happens in about a million out of each and every one hundred,000 stay births, yet 60% of conjoined twins are both stillborn or lost in utero. "
2006-03-19 9:05 pm
identical twins come from the same zygote which was fertilized with one sperm cell
it is well nothing in biology is absolutely impossible but two sperm cells can`t fertilize one egg because after one comes in on the egg shell some sort of protection is formed because otherwise you would have a zygote with 3n chromosomes
identical twins are "made" when zygote in early development for some reason we still do not know splits in two
it has something to do with genetics and identical twins are usually occur in every 3 generations
hope it helps
2006-03-19 3:13 pm
Identical twins huh. So, is say. Identical twins occur due to two main reasons. There can be two egg cells that come out simultaneously and get fertilised thus giving two children who are NOT identical physically. The no. of egg cells is predetermined for every species. These offsprings are not identical but are born at the same time. So the NORMAL children of animals aren't identical but are twins. But another thing that might happen is the splitting of the zygote cell thus giving two identical zygote cells (due to mitosis). This gives birth to identical twins. :-)
參考: Me myself
2006-03-19 3:11 pm
but 2 sperms got into it.
multiple myosis
second quest:
some genes are turned off and on randomly.
2006-03-19 3:08 pm
no idea......sorry
2006-03-19 3:06 pm
Its the mirical and randomness of biology. Things just happen that have no real reason. We may know how it works, but we may never know why. A true life mystery.
2006-03-19 3:04 pm
Most animals have fraternal rather than identical twins. The tendency towards having identical twins is partly genetic. It is not a disorder or mutation.
2006-03-19 3:00 pm
usually inherited
參考: nurse

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