I want to ask about diction. if I want to say "I am expected to succeed." can I say "I am slated to succeed?"

2006-03-19 2:28 pm
in normal condition, when you are a prodigy, people will say you are expected succeed in anything.

my question was simillar to that

回答 (3)

2006-03-19 2:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
One is only Slated when it's a sure thing.
a lock
2006-03-21 8:05 am
"expected" and "slated" do not mean the same thing. Stick with "expected".
2006-03-19 10:41 pm
expected and slated have two different connotations and should be used appropriately. To expect means to believe you will accomplish in time. To slate is to designate for a specific purpose. There you have it Say what you mean in your sentences. Remember this.To mean one thing and say another can be confusing. You don't want that, i assume. Good luck and much wisdom.

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