How can I learn to be happy?

2006-03-17 1:43 pm
Things are always happening to me. Bad things. Can't seem to cope at all. When I looked around me, people seem to be happy, or at least not unhappy. Maybe I think too much, that adds on to my pile of ****. Geez, I feel like giving up altogether.

回答 (6)

2006-03-17 2:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The greeks thought that it was a good idea to be a pessimist and then nothing would dissappoint you! They really thought that that is a good way to be happy. My best advice is to "fake it until you make it" in other words if you go round with a smile on your face, pretending to be happy then you will eventually become happy. Try it, it works!
2006-03-17 10:00 pm
Ok babe- heres how it is! Happiness comes from inside of YOU! Crap happens to all of us each and everyday trust me I KNOW! lol But if you just sit in a well of self pity and the why me- your going to end up in a pit of doom and gloom and end up on Prozac like half the American population! Take things as they come- stop sweating the small stuff! When someone kicks u in the left knee cap think " hey Ive still got my right one!" A close family friend of ours in Dec of this year had a car fall on him while he was working on it. It broke his back in 3 places! He is 27 years old and now he is paralyzed for the rest of his life. When we went to go to see him I kept thinking " oh god i hope I dont say the wrong thing" and we got there and the man was SMILING yep I couldnt frickin believe it! And u lmow what he said????? He looks at us and says " man- I cna't believe it but they served Eggs Benedict for Breakfast today- thats my favorite!" GOOD GOD! lol and he was THRILLED he was still alive to be tasting his favorite food again! Pick your battles friend- look on the good things in life and screw the bad!
2006-03-17 9:57 pm
Don't worry to much about it, that only makes it worse. And I know.... Make time to do things that will make you feel better, go out for a walk or work out. It will give you energy and keep your mind of.
Good luck!!
2006-03-17 9:55 pm
Ah, the age old question of life. I have been around the block a few times and have found that the secret to happiness is not found in people, things, or circumstances. It must come from yourself. That way the things of this life won't let you down all the time and you become a stable person. It really works for me.

True happiness actually comes from a relationship with the God of this universe and the only way you can have that is to believe that His Son Jesus Christ paid the penalty for your sins and the sins of the human race. Once you do that you need to find a pastor who knows the original languages of the Bible: the Hebrew, Aramaic and Koine Greek. If you can find one of these pastors you are on your way to finding the highest happiness in the universe. People will actually come up to you and wonder why you are so tranquil in the worst of circumstances. It's awesome!
參考: Try getting the free mp3 lessons from this site:
2006-03-17 9:51 pm
Try to think something happy your birthday
n not to think too much about others
2006-03-17 9:49 pm
you have to behappy with yourself. First of all you have to get rid of all the negative in your life. Find different things you like to do. Go on trips, sightsee, workout, keep busy. You are thinking way to much. You might be depressed, maybe see a doctor.

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