Was it really the will of the father that jesus should die on the cross?why?

2006-03-16 10:48 am

回答 (17)

2006-03-16 10:55 am
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For GOD so loved the world that HE sent His only begotten son

We are repeatedly told He did his fathers will
Not my will but Thine.
2006-03-17 12:30 am
Dear Joyce,

The Bible say's that it was Gods will that jesus come and live a perfect sinless life, then Die on the Cross a brutal and painful death. The reason why? we Have Sinned.

Have you kept the ten commandments?

Ever lie (even whitelies?)

ever stolen anything?

Jesus said if you lust that is adultry of the heart, ever Lust?

Im guilty of breaking each one of these. Are You? Listen to your conscience, im sure you could find where you have lied or dishonored your parents. It's our sin that condemns us, the Bible say's that if we stand before God on Judgement day Guilty we will be Punished in Hell. That's the Punishment you and i deserve. The Bible say's that is not God's will, He provided a way for us to be forgiven, He sent Jesus to Die on the Cross. when Jesus Died he Took the Punishment you and I deserve. If you wan't this forgiveness the Bible say's Repent, Turn from your sins and humble yourself before God and ask Jesus to be your savior.

if you do this Jesus will save you and grant you eternal Life. God Bless you.
參考: Gospel Of Jesus Christ
2006-03-16 8:39 pm
Yes it was God's plan to defeat Satan, that is death, fairly and legally. The death we are talking about here, is not flesh death but the second death of your spirit and soul.

Before this flesh age Satan and 1/3 of God's children rebelled.

Rev.12:3 And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads. Rev.12:4 And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth:

So now in this flesh age, many are born innocent through the womb and can decide to choose death, Satan, or choose life, God.

God, HE HIMSELF was born through the womb, was the umblemished lamb Who died to pay the price for all legally, defeating Satin, that is the second death.

Heb.2:14 Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, He also Himself likewise took part of the same; that through death He might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil;

God, HE HIMSELF through death of the flesh, destroyed Satin, who could legally say 1/3 of God's children deserved the second death.

This is a deep study but that is Why in a nutshell. Don't overlook the love the Father has for His children.
2006-03-16 8:02 pm
yes, it was the real plan of GOD that Jejus should be crusified and it was HIS will.No why; because you and me can not questiou HIS doings. HE is HE. And only HIS 'will' will prevail. HE fruitened a huge fruit on a thin stem and a very very small fruit on a so big and huge tree of jamun. however for your satisfaction i would like to quote:
The best of men, can not suspend their fate,
The good die early, and the bad die late.
2006-03-16 7:46 pm
Yes. Becasue the Father loved you that much.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believe on Him should never die, but have everlasting life.
2006-03-16 7:37 pm
Jesus didnt Die according to Islam and was mistaken by someone that God wanted to do so!
jesus has gone up and is with God now.
Ready to come back soon..on the clouds.
Christians and Muslims are waiting!
2006-03-16 7:36 pm
Yes, it is the will of God father about salvation.
No, Jesus died on the cross is the process of salvation, but not the end. He didn't "died", he's now resurrected, on the right of God father.
2006-03-16 7:11 pm
No it wasn’t. It’s absurd. That idea came from primitive people who still had a primitive religion. Offering a human sacrifice to a god is primitivism. I cannot believe that Christians still place faith in such a disgusting ritual. Jesus was against every form of animal sacrifice, so what did they do to him? They made HIM a sacrifice AZTEC style. It’s appalling, and the angels cannot bare to look at it.
2006-03-16 7:07 pm
Yes it was. Read John 3:16 if you have a Bible handy. Also 1 Timothy 2:5. God desires for us to know Him and be with Him. But man's sin separates us from God, because God is without sin. Although God did not desire for Jesus to have to die, His love for us made Jesus' on the cross death necessary. To put it as simply as possible. The only way for man to be reunited with God was for there to be sacrifice for man's sin. Only one Being existed who was in a position to be able to make that sacrifice.Jesus. At no point during Jesus' death on the cross did He not have the power to quite and say "this is to much, I can't do this anymore" and it would have been right for Him to do so. He wasn't forced to die on the cross. He chose to die. But the great part is that he didn't stay dead. He's the only one in the world who has risen from the dead of His own volition.

That's my answer, taken straight from the Bible. II Timothy 3:16 and II Peter 1:21 says that the Bible although written onto paper by men is from God. So that means, it's true. There isn't a man on the planet who has the right or authority to say that the Bible can't be believed. The one who says that places himself in the position of God.
2006-03-16 7:03 pm
Yes,, Jesus was the Lamb of God ,,the fulfillment of the sacrifice,,the ultimate replacement for Isaac,,,for Christ to take the sin of the world he would be unbearable for God to look upon(this is why he asked that the cup may be taken from him)but when his boby died all sin died with him,he was then resurrected in heavenly form.
2006-03-16 6:53 pm
If you beleive in the bible and the whole plan of God thing, then yes.

Jesus went to the garden and said 'Hey pops, I don't want to die.' and God said 'Well, too bad son.' And Jesus said 'fine, fine... if that's how it's gonna be.'

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