What is the largest muscle in the body?

2006-03-15 5:27 pm

回答 (4)

2006-03-15 5:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Link 1 is the Google search of "largest muscle."

Link 2 (found in Link 1) says "latissimus dorsi."

Link 3 (found in Link 1) says "gluteus maximus." Most of the other links appear to agree with this.

Link 4 says it's the heart.

Link 5 is catbird's other question about this.
2006-03-20 1:33 pm
2006-03-16 1:35 am
2006-03-16 1:29 am
In the AVERAGE body, right?

Answer is the gluteus maximus (butt).
參考: Reason I say average body: http://www.edu.lahti.fi/~tmahkone/valentino.html

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