toyota avalon ,camry or non of them?

2006-03-14 12:17 pm
Hi I want to buy a car in the range of 18000 to 28000 dollars and I have choosen the 2 toyota above said
If you know that the avalon is more expensive than camry do you buy it or not? or you suggest another car in this rate ?
thanks a lot

回答 (8)

2006-03-14 11:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
well, personally, I'd rather buy the Camry since it costs less. but, if your looking for a car that's got a little more luxury, I'd go with the Avalon. they're both made by Toyota and have equally good value. also, the Camry gets a little better gas mileage than the Avalon does (Camry-34 MPG and Avalon- 31MPG).
參考: go to and they'll show you a lot.
2016-12-18 10:27 pm
properly, there's a difference between a bear in mind for surprising acceleration or ruin issues, which could KILL human beings in a Toyota and a bear in mind for defective seat heater, which makes your a$$ no longer heat adequate in a Chevy. So, the style of recollects isn't as substantial as WHAT the subject concerns ARE. nevertheless, i could opt for a Toyota over a GM automobile any day.
2006-03-20 4:14 pm
I have a 2004 Camry LE that will soon be coming off lease, so i have been looking around at the possibilities. I just went to a Toyota dealer yesterday (Sunday) and they had left a 2007 Camry unlocked on the lot. It was very nice indeed, and made my 04 look instantly old. You could get a loaded Camry for what you'd pay for an Avalon, get the same engine, less weight, and almost the same amount of room!
i'd say go for the Camry
2006-03-16 4:28 am
Personally I like the Solara.
2006-03-14 5:39 pm
The Avalon is more expensive than the Camry, but worth it. It's Toyota's flagship model, is roomier, rides smoother, has a REAL good engine, and excellent resale. When I drive my wife's Camry, I always hit my head when climbing in, so when it's time for a new car, I want her to get the Avalon.
(like she listens to me........)
2006-03-14 12:27 pm
camry would be your best bet u wont get a new avalon for 28000..i had a camry and loved it i now have a tundra an love it even more, good luck..
2006-03-14 12:21 pm
if you in gulf OK but from USA or Europa go for Honda accourd.
2006-03-14 12:21 pm
I would like to say toyota tundra.

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