Where is Nirvana?

2006-03-13 11:37 am

回答 (14)

2006-03-13 12:16 pm
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Nirvana in sutra is never conceived of as a place, but the antinomy of samsara (see below) which itself is synonymous with ignorance (avijja). “This said: ‘the liberated mind/will (citta) which does not cling’ means Nibbana”[MN2-Att. 4.68]. Nibbana is meant specifically as pertains gnosis which ends the identity of the mind (citta) with empirical phenomena. Doctrinally Nibbana is said of the mind which no "longer is coming (bhava) and going (vibhav)", but which has attained a status in perpetuity, whereby "liberation (vimutta) can be said".

It carries further connotations of stilling, cooling, and peace; the realizing of nirvana is compared to the ending of avijja (ignorance) which perpetuates the will (citta/mind) from passing through samsara life after life, which causes (and is caused by) among other things craving, consciousness, birth, death, greed, hate, delusion, ignorance. Nirvana, then, is not a place nor a state, it is an absolute truth to be realized, and a person can do so without dying. When a person who has realized nirvana dies, his death is referred as his parinirvana, his fully passing away, as his life was his last link to the cycle of death and rebirth (samsara), and he will not be reborn again. Buddhism holds that the ultimate goal and end of existence is realization of nirvana; what happens to a person after his parinirvana cannot be explained, as it is outside of all conceivable experience.
參考: Nirvana can thus happen anywhere; it is within you. Achieve it.
2006-03-15 1:43 pm
2006-03-14 9:39 pm
For buddhism, Nirvana is the ineffable ultimate in which one has attained disinterested wisdom and compassion; for hindusm, it's an emancipation from ignorance and the extinction of all attachment.
2006-03-14 3:23 am
Nirvana is heaven, a place where the best guys goes when they die.
2006-03-14 2:10 am
Nirvana is a state of mind.
In this state, the mind enjoys the beauty but is not interested in its possession. It is free from desires but still enjoys the beauty all around since it knos the fact that all this is divinity and divine forms of god itself.
2006-03-13 8:24 pm
in ur head ... it's a state of mind : Complete Happiness.
2006-03-13 7:53 pm
idon't know if u know tell me
2006-03-13 7:50 pm
In PEACE of MIND!!!!!!
2006-03-13 7:47 pm
Nirvana is a place free from the cares and worries of everyday life. It is suppose to a utopian world. It does not exist hereon earth, nor is it capable of being obtained mentally. When we get to heaven someday,it will be found there.
2006-03-13 7:47 pm
nirvana is in the place called mind. you can't find it in a particular physical place
2006-03-13 7:45 pm
Nirvana is where you want it to be.
2006-03-13 7:45 pm
Take a left past Pasadena, seriously only in your head, it has to be a place created to divert ones attention from the evil of normal life.
參考: The Lee
2006-03-13 7:44 pm
Kurt Cobain's six feet under
2006-03-13 7:41 pm
Kurt cobain did the best nirvana in the world, in my opinions , Nirvana is in United states

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