How can I sleep easily?

2006-03-12 12:14 pm
I really wanna sleep as early as I can. But it's easier said than done. Do you know any effective way to be able to sleep easily? Except for drinking pills.

回答 (19)

2006-03-12 12:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
take a Tylenol pm
2016-05-20 9:13 am
Listen to smooth radio on DAB. I've had trouble sleeping and it helps to have some distraction so my mind stays fairly clear and i don't get agitated. Also the usualy staying away from caffeine after 6pm and eating a banana helps. I've resorted to zopiclone and that works wonders along with nytol.
2006-03-15 2:59 am
Turn on a fan or something for a little noise in the room.
參考: works for me
2006-03-12 1:24 pm
Hmmm, if all you're worried about is lack of sleep, then try this: It isn't really how much sleep you get, but rather the quality of the sleep you get. The recomended number of hours is of course 8 hours, but if by some horrid chance that you have too much to do, don't sleep late into the night (or early morning), what you should do is sleep from 11pm-2am. This is the best time to sleep because this is when your brain goes into "deep sleep." Which is sleep at it's best quality. Then you can wake up at 2am and continue.
2006-03-12 1:01 pm
Try exercising at least three or four hours before bed time. This will help you feel tired along with giving you all of the other benefits that come from regular exercise.
Also, don't consume any foods like coffee, chocolate, or sodas that have caffeine in them after lunch time. You would be surprised to see how much caffeine can affect you!
Another thing that will help is by getting up early--consistently. You may not get to sleep at your desired bed time right away, but it will help by getting up eight hours after your head hits the pillow--even if you didn't get your full eight hours.
Sleeping is one of the most important things for your body-- right up there next to exercize and eating healthily. I pray that these tips will help you!
參考: What mom and dad have been telling me forever!
2006-03-12 12:30 pm
As I experienced, the most influential thing that affect a good sleep is ---- "PRESSURE". But I agree with your point, even you know the solution, it's more difficult than done. Followings are my ways fight sleeplessness:

- Never deliberately think that you can't sleep well. Just take it easy.
- Don't do exciting thing before sleep. Maybe even online would make you conscious, then don't do it within an hour before sleep.
- Don't sleep too much a day!! (The most important thing) To me, I get used to sleep 9-10 hrs a day, which make me difficult to fall asleep at night. Now I change to 7-8 hrs, and keep physically work at day. The situation is completely improved. Even you sleep late, don't wake up late!
2006-03-12 12:28 pm
I put Vicks Vap-o-rub just under my eyes so it hurts to have them open. If I can lay down with my eyes closed, that helps sometimes.

Sleeping pills just don't cut it for me.
2006-03-12 12:26 pm
Perhaps you may find the following suggestions more helpful than I did.

1. Don’t indulge in a heavy meal with a lot of alcohol before going to bed.
2. Don’t drink tea, coffee or any substance with caffeine because it has a stimulating effect.
3. Make sure that your bedroom is quiet, warm an airy.
4. Avoid unnecessary sleep disturbing draughts.
5. Make sure your bedroom is sufficiently darkened. Light from an outside source can often disturb you.
6. If you are sensitive to noise do your best to change your sleeping conditions.
7. Try a warm bath before going to bed to help you relax.
8. Go to bed at the same time every night and wake up at the same time every morning.
9. Even on week-ends when you don’t have to get up early , try and stick to your usual time schedule.
10. Listen to soothing music is before going to bed.
11. Don’t have short naps during the day.
12. Spend at least a half an hour in daylight during the day.
13. Have a glass of warm milk before going to bed.
14. Make sure your bed is comfortable – not too hard or soft.
16. Don’t watch an exciting movie before going to bed.

Actually, the best herb to help with deep relaxation and sleep is valerian extract, or valerian root. You can pick up bottles of it (available in capsule form, and sometimes in teas) at your local supermarket in the vitamin and herb section. Valerian extract/root is completely harmless, 100% natural, and actually works better than most all over the counter sleeping pills!
2006-03-12 12:21 pm
Try to imgine you are on the air and lissten classical music.
2006-03-12 12:20 pm
relax and try to forget what's bothering you, even just for a few hours. also, try drinking some warm milk with honey or a banana with some honey. also, try taking a warm bath before you go to bed. it sure does help me, hope it does the same way to you.
2006-03-12 12:19 pm
Nope sorry, I've never been the one to sleep myself.
Good luck though. Oh if you do find out let me know. I would like to get a good nights sleep too.

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