Getting into evgangelism a good carrer choice? more so or not of say becoming a christian counsler /missions?

2006-03-11 3:13 pm

回答 (6)

2006-03-11 7:53 pm
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The answers already given are good. I agree that you need to know God's will and have his call. My husband and I have served as foreign missionaries for 20 years. With cultural and language differences, misunderstandings, ministry stresses, SOMETIMES the only thing that makes you not give up is your conviction that this is where God wants you to be and what He wants you to do. On the other hand, knowing you are in the center of God's will and seeing how God can touch people's lives through you is GREAT!
2006-03-11 4:00 pm
Maybe most christians hesitate due to some questions: Have I received such a call from God? Should I have some special experience like Paul if God called me?

I have read a book called "Can I be a missionary?" It said that a true understanding about missionary call should be viewd as:

1) Subjective experience
God's calls usually gives to those are willing to obey him. If you are inclinded to give your life to God, he would steadily show you his will.

The holy spirit could tell the people by Bible. Bible has clearly stated the God's will in salvation. If those are called, they should be touched by this message. And this experience should grow when time gone, but not a sudden experience.

2) Objective proof
When a man believed in God has called him to be a missionary, would his church's spirit leader also agree with his decision? Does the leader also agree that he has such gift in spirit, personality, knowledge and body health etc?

If you are called, please talk to your church leaders about your desire, so that they could assist you to confirm this mission.

Sure, the above information is just a reference. Personally, I am really glad to know if one more christian has become a missionary :)
2006-03-11 3:45 pm
Career choice????? I believe that being a preacher, evangelist, or missionary is a calling from God NOT a career choice. The only one who can tell you what He wants and where He wants you is God. He is the one who calls and appoints. If this is just your decision - you better get with God about it fast!
1 Corinthians 12:18 But now hath God set the members every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased him.
2006-03-11 3:29 pm
depends on why someone wants to . if it's for the Lord, then yes. if it's just for the money , find something else.
2006-03-11 3:19 pm
You have to decide on what your calling is. No one else can tell you that but yourself.
2006-03-11 3:19 pm
Great idea.

good luck

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