Do you think Rap music has given Blacks or African Americans a bad image?

2006-03-11 2:21 pm
Does Rap music spread a bad image on the Black race? I am a young black guy who really doesn't listen to it, understand it, or like it.Why? Because it does not apply to my life. Anyway thats just my opinion.What do you think? Answer away!

回答 (9)

2006-03-11 2:36 pm
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I think that any music with derogatory connotations towards a specific group is giving whoever listens to that music a bad image. I won't limit it to African Americans, but people who listen to ICP and other groups who sing about hate (I'm pretty sure ICP has a song about cop killing or something). Think about it, we hate and have no tolerance for groups like the KKK (which is rightfully so), but then we are supposed to tolerate the same kind of hate in songs? I don't think so.

I won't, however, generalize the whole Rap and/or African American community. I know that there are some pretty repectable songs out there and just because I don't like them, it doesn't mean I'm going to judge everyone who does.

Generalizing any group is wrong!
2016-10-15 2:51 pm
countless people are idiotic adequate to visual reveal unit those video clips and then draw the tip that black females are *** shaking hoochies. The stereotypes against blacks usually already make contributions to the frailty of our popularity, subsequently there is little room to exploit one yet another and then experience like people will understand that is a delusion. If existence have been that easy stereotypes does not exist.
2006-03-11 5:20 pm
well,i think it actually gives black people a bad image coz it started from black people and the white people who sing it are just a few...i hate rap and i don't have a problem with black people,just telling you what i think..but then again the frontman from block party who is also black kinda fixes the image! lol
2006-03-11 3:49 pm
no, it gives us a way to express ourselfs. to tell what we've been through.
2006-03-11 3:02 pm
Yes, maybe.. Since rap started on the TV show Hee Haw,a country music variety show,it has went downhill. Remember,the first black rappers were rich kids at their mom's recording studio. It gives them identity but it is not a positive thing. I remember when black guys played rock n roll music and before that blues & jazz.
2006-03-11 2:32 pm
some of those pretty good, if you a ganster, listen to 50 cents or notorious big , you feel like you can do whatever the xxxx you want. but on the other hand when you hanging out on the street, a lot of so-called ganster they tried to fake a ganster and doing stupid things, what is the true meaning of rap is the singer who sing from the deep inside of his heart and talk about his aninmosity around the world,
that,s a real rap , just like orignal rock'n roll music in 70-90.
2006-03-11 2:26 pm
That's like saying the Sopranos gives Italian-Americans a bad name.

Anyone who is dellusional enough to categorize all people of an ethnicity by the musical content of a few ignorant members of that sect needs some reeducation.

Gangsta rap has given anyone who dresses like those schmucks a bad name.

Also there is no Black race. There is a Black ethnicity, there is only one race, one species and it is the Human race, Homo sapiens.
2006-03-11 2:24 pm
It may not apply to your life but it does apply to many others, and we can not change where we come from. Sometimes its better to have gone thru something to realize where you came from and where you are headed...
2006-03-11 2:22 pm

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