If you had four jobs last year what tax form do you use?

2006-03-09 9:18 pm

回答 (4)

2006-03-09 9:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You need the W2s from all the jobs.
2006-03-10 5:26 am
Just use H&R block. If you're income is low enought you can do it online for cheap or free. If higher income buy TaxCut. It's only about $20, and well worth it. Online or with TaxCut it's very user-friendly and they have good support. http://www.hrblock.com/ My wife and I did it online, they set us up with direct deposit. We already got our return, and it was more than we expected. My dad has used TaxCut for years.
2006-03-10 5:20 am
the same as if you had 1 job ... depends if you itemize deductions or not. If you use standard deductions ... it's 1040A. If you itemize ... it's the long form - 1040
2006-03-10 5:19 am
all of them

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