falling in love??

2006-03-08 12:33 pm
i know i fell in love with this guy. we both wrote like 80 text messages only in our first week (not seeing each other and not kissed then) and since then 6 weeks passed. 6 weeks of love&passion. his messages make my heart jump from joy or make me have tears if i'm desappointed if i don't see him. he used to call me often from work. talked and wanted to hear my voice. is this generally a sign of falling in love.. or is he just bored and wants to make sure he will see me again?? bad thing is he knows i still can't get away from my ex-boyfriend (contradiction i know - i love him but no more than partner - i know i must break free)
do u think this guy is also falling in love?
he never much talks about his private live, just bout work and friends, family... actually a lot:) but never invited me home. he says himself he's the kind of guy who's enjoying life ..and girls :-O What do i think??? he is very sweet and attentive + at the same time not. tries to keep in the distance & still close

i don't know if to trust my feelings. is he just enjoying the situation without wanting more (i am a girl..i want more) or is he insecure about this new girl he's seeing (me). i am afraid to say i love you, cause he seems the independent one and i always adjust to such behaviour by being nice, kind, loving etc. and not giving pressure. i don't want to shy him away by asking and trying to get much closer if i don't feel the same need from him. is he falling in love too?

回答 (9)

2006-03-08 12:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It sounds like u both are taking advantage of a situation that allows you to have your cake and eat it too. Since you both get something out of the relationship and have "outside interests" as well, you might as well let it unfold as it will. I doubt you will end up as a monogamous couple. If u continue to feel good about it, don't over analyze it.
2016-03-13 6:25 pm
2006-03-08 1:00 pm
b cool
2006-03-08 12:54 pm
you should aske him what you feel & what you needs. may be he can,t do the tings you like to do & you don,t like the ways he wants
2006-03-08 12:43 pm
He won't invite you to his house?...Sounds like he's married to me or has a living girlfriend...or lives w/ his parents. If he said it in plan English that he's just enjoying life and girls, then it's a good indication that he's just enjoying you.
2006-03-08 12:38 pm
It's hard to say - he might be interested in just friendship, or it might be more. I'd see how the relationship naturally progresses. If it's meant to be more, you'll know and so will he. If both of you don't want it to be more, it won't work. And, before you do anything else, you need to decide what you want to do with your ex. Good luck!
2006-03-08 12:37 pm
that,s so wonderful, right now, just seldom people writthing people to each other, i think that you guys can understand a lot , but if you have chances , why don,t you go for a date? and see the real side of him.
2006-03-08 12:36 pm
2006-03-08 12:36 pm

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