Do you think brokeback mountain represent something that more than homosexual?

2006-03-07 12:19 pm

回答 (6)

2006-03-07 12:37 pm
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No! It was however representative of the disassociation Hollywood has with the average American.
2006-03-13 8:05 pm
No matter how good of a movie people might consider it, I will never see it because I have strong christian values. I'm tired of people saying I have to be tolerant. Homosexuality is a sin and you all can call me prude, in the closet, whatever. I know what is true.
2006-03-09 1:39 am
Of course. While it is most notable for depicting characters not seen in a mainstream Hollywood movie before -- gay cowboys or ranchers -- it can be understood as representing many things: the role of unspoken love in people's lives for good or ill; the role of repression in people's lives; the relation of nature and freedom; the indirect effect of silence on the lives of those not spoken to; an extension of the typical theme of a Western movie -- the way civilization comes to hem in and restrict the cowboy -- to a modern or almost contemporary story.

It also represnts great acting and cinematography, and a marvelous example of the use of silence in telling a story.

In my opinion, it rarely is best to ask what a story or movie represents. The experience is always fuller to ask simply what the story is.
2006-03-07 8:29 pm
i think brokeback mountain is a very good movie which showed that love is beyond dimensions we cannot understand but have to accept. i have to say the movie showed not only things about homosexuals but it showed love that each of us wished we had. its just that they were both men who loved each other. but then, it was one of the best love stories ive seen...promise!
2006-03-07 8:24 pm
2006-03-07 8:23 pm
ya it was about best friends....

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