What is your dream?

2006-03-07 10:54 am

回答 (15)

2006-03-07 10:58 am
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most have come true. to be happy in my life
to suround myself w/ family and friends
and i bought my dream car
2006-03-08 7:12 am
my dreams...
to be happy in life
to become a successful doctor
have a beautiful and healthy family of my own
to please god with how i spend my time on earth
2006-03-08 2:01 am
2 be proud, good, work 24 hours with out tired, and nice
2006-03-07 10:24 pm
To be happy and have good health. Oh and to win the lottery LOL.
2006-03-07 7:50 pm
Sheila's dream is to get here and mine is to get back to OZ some day. Maybe when my other dream comes true (winning the 2006 World Series of Poker), I can make both of our dreams come true...I'll give her my house in Virginia and buy her house in Australia from her!
2006-03-07 7:46 pm
To have a very happy family of my own (be happy in marriage, have children). Because everything else I can achieve with hard work. And those things: are pure lottery)
2006-03-07 7:34 pm
Get into Harvard.
Live happily.
Get a good job that pays well and one that I like.
Make it as an actress on some movie.
Meet movie stars.

I have so many dreams. I know some of them may not come true, but that's the thing about dreams sometimes. :( Sadly.
2006-03-07 7:31 pm
my dream is to be happy in life. I have longed for this but in vein. I have been abused physically and mentally. So now that I am a birdy with wings and would like to fly to find this precious thing called happiness and loved. It that too much to ask from a sister. Happiness
2006-03-07 7:05 pm
i like to be good civil engineer and make strength home for people and i like to study custom design in italy
2006-03-07 6:57 pm
To get into Harvard.

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