I would like to know how to go about bringing a phillipine lady and her son to the United States?

2006-03-05 12:10 pm
What would it talke for a phillipine woman and her son to move ove to the United States with me?

回答 (4)

2006-03-05 1:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
U.S. citizens have a number of options to bring their Filipino spouses or fiance(e)s, and their children to the United States to become lawful permanent residents. These options fall under the IR and K visa categories, each having its own set of requirements and procedures.

This section will provide you as much information as possible. Relevant links are available for you to check for more details specific to your case.
2006-03-05 6:18 pm
if she doesnt have a tourist visa, if you're a citizen, you can apply for K2 visa cuz she has a child. Check here, maybe it will help http://www.k1k3visas.com/
2006-03-05 1:39 pm
are you a us citizen? If you really are. There nothing you need to worry, becasue everything is great, but if you,not
you have to immigrant to phillipine with you wife.
2006-03-05 12:19 pm
Have her visit on a passport, marry her here and then go through imigration to bring them both over.

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