Spiderman or Batman?

2006-03-01 4:29 pm
spiderman or Batman?

回答 (52)

2006-03-01 4:30 pm
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參考: me
2006-03-07 3:10 pm
I absolutely love the Batman character, but given the Strength and reflexes of Spiderman.....I say Spiderman.
2006-03-06 8:54 am
its got to be spiderman
2006-03-05 11:10 pm
2006-03-05 10:54 pm
BATMAN more mysterious, my bro has like 500 action figures of batman
2006-03-05 4:57 am
spiderman is kinda a pussy, but it'll be a good fight...
2006-03-04 5:18 pm
2006-03-04 2:24 pm
Spiderman, I like spiders.
參考: Miilosh
2006-03-03 3:40 am
Bats EAT spiders!
2006-03-02 11:37 pm
Spider-Man wins in terms of strength, agility, and webbing. Bat-Man wins in terms of intelligent chess moves, gadgets and a batmobile. You do the math. My answer? Peter Parker would OUT-THINK Bruce Wayne.
參考: Stan Lee. Please hyphenate Spider-Man. It's the character's name spelled correctly. With a hyphen. The Batman does not have a hyphen. Thanks!
2006-03-02 4:14 pm
Batman! its more real
2006-03-02 10:18 am
Definitely Spiderman. While the red and gold costume is (as of yet, not growing on me!) new, the whole persona of Peter Parker and his human personality has enabled whole legions of people to relate to his troubles, it makes him that much more endearing. How many people can say that about Batman? Sure, he lost his parents, but I bet you that there aren't very many people who read Batman who are multi-billionaires with huge mansions and a company that develops technological toys.
2006-03-02 2:34 am
batman. spiderman is a wuss he never kills any one. batman is phsyco
2006-03-01 7:59 pm
I like Batman better. He uses his intellect and smarts to help stop the bad guys, not superpowers. Plus he's got that belt that almost always gets him out of a jam.
2006-03-01 5:54 pm
nanananananananana BATMAN
2006-03-01 5:44 pm
2006-03-01 5:25 pm
Spiderman, cause he has a life when he isn't doing good stuff.Batman is just a wacko, and he hasn't got any superpowers either.
2006-03-01 5:12 pm
I love them both, but if I must choose, I would go for Batman. Of all the Marvel superhero's Batman's the only one who doesn't really have powers. His powers are his strength and his intelligence, which is cool because you could almost relay that to human beings - we don't have any superpowers, the powers we do have lies in our brains and our bodies.
2006-03-01 4:49 pm
I love the darkness of Batman.

The duality of that character is great and it's so representative of any person's duality.

And i like that there's no magic in that hero, he is just another man strong, and tougth, but he really doesn't have any extraordinary characteristics.

The big help he gets on technology, tools, and stuf is great too.

He gives me hope, and encourage to do great things, no matter our limited habilities.

I like spiderman because of his human side, being an average citizen, i like the colors of that cartoon, but i feel it's a lot of more fantasy on it.

So, i like Batman better that Spiderman.
2006-03-01 4:38 pm
I would have chosen Spiderman yesterday! That was, until I recieved that newest Amazing and saw the new costume. Now, I'm not so sure . . I can't really get excited about red and gold! And I would go so far as to say the last Batman movie (Batman Begins) really redeemed that series, and made me a fan again! I have related better to Spiderman's personal life better than Batman's, I think because I can't begin to imagine what it must be like to have the kind of resources and backing that Batman has, but Spiderman struggles to pay his bills and get to work on time, just like me! I guess when push comes to shove, I'm still a bigger fan of Spiderman, but I'm curious to see where this new costume and re-animated Spidey will go.
2006-03-01 4:36 pm
spiderman all the way! I mean comeone does batman have superpowers? In spiderman and Batman Begins movies they are both pretty hot though... i still think toby maguire is hotter and spiderman is just so awesome in his skintight outfit and superpowers and stuff.
2006-03-01 4:36 pm
參考: me
2006-03-01 4:36 pm
2006-03-01 4:36 pm
spiderman of course
參考: the guy from the movie was sexy
2006-03-01 4:35 pm
Spiderman, he doesn't need to be rich to be a superhero.
Batman just shows that you have to be rich to do great things.
2006-03-01 4:35 pm
Spiderman, for sure.
2006-03-01 4:35 pm
batman, the darker side makes him much more interesting
2006-03-01 4:34 pm
2006-03-01 4:34 pm
he is a HUMAN with intelligence and skills, and he knows how to maximize them... unlike spidey or the other heroes who are mutated, infected, or "scientifically enhanced" to have those powers they possess.
2006-03-01 4:34 pm
Batman! Spiderman is ridiculous.
2006-03-01 4:34 pm
Batman. he uses no super powers
2006-03-01 4:34 pm
Batman. You have got to love the mystery.
2006-03-01 4:33 pm
they r both dumb
2006-03-01 4:33 pm
2006-03-01 4:33 pm
What is the question?
Is it---
Who is handsomer, Spiderman or Batman?
Who is sexier, Spiderman or Batman?
2006-03-01 4:33 pm
nana nana nana nana batman!!
2006-03-01 4:33 pm
BATMAN .....He's one hot mo-fo!
2006-03-01 4:33 pm
2006-03-01 4:33 pm
2006-03-01 4:32 pm
Of course Batman..but I would prefer Batwoman
2006-03-01 4:32 pm
I don't like spiders...so Batman?
2006-03-01 4:31 pm
2006-03-01 4:31 pm
Batman has a better car.
2006-03-01 4:31 pm
Batman, he doesn't need any special powers to be a bad ***!
2006-03-01 4:31 pm
Batman....god what an amazing body.
2006-03-01 4:31 pm
Definately Frylock from ATHF!
2006-03-01 4:31 pm
2006-03-01 4:31 pm
2006-03-01 4:31 pm
Batman would probably kick the crap out of Spidey for a good long while.

He's got a lot more going for him.
2006-03-01 4:31 pm
Batman. Not only does he have utility belt, but he's FILTHY RICH. Where spiderman works for a newspaper.
2006-03-01 4:30 pm
2006-03-01 4:30 pm
Gotta be batman dude!!

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