what is cathode ??

2006-02-28 4:34 pm

回答 (8)

2006-02-28 4:36 pm
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a cathode is an electrode which attracts cations(positively charged ions) so obviously a cathode is negatively charged and an anode is positively charged
2006-03-01 12:42 am
The link, in Sources, describes in detail
2006-03-01 12:40 am
A negatively charged electrode that attracts cations the positively charged ions in a cell.
2006-03-01 12:39 am
A negatively charged electrode
2006-03-01 12:39 am

1. In an electrolytic cell: the negative electrode, towards which positively charged ions, usually in solution, are attracted.
2. The positive terminal of a battery. Compare anode.

Etymology: 19c: from Greek kathodos descent, from kata down + hodos way.
2006-03-01 12:38 am
the electrode of an electrochemical cell at which reduction occurs: as a negative terminal of an electrolytic cell
2006-03-01 12:38 am
opposite of anode.negative charged particle
2006-03-01 12:36 am
A negatively charged electrode, as of an electrolytic cell, a storage battery, or an electron tube.

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 15:40:27
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