Details on AIDS?

2006-02-28 7:57 am
what is aids?how it is caused?its symptoms?its treatments? and other details.

回答 (4)

2006-02-28 8:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
a death sentence in your blood can be transmitted sexually and used needles if you need to know more type hiv/aids into serch ingine
2014-06-05 11:12 am
Most of these are caused by pathogens that many HIV-negative people carry without becoming ill. Other signs of AIDS-related illnesses or infections may include:

?abdominal pain
?loss of appetite
?losing more than ten percent of one's body weight (also known as "wasting")
? headache
?sore throat
?night sweats
? confusion
?memory loss
?loss of muscle strength
2006-02-28 4:08 pm
The term AIDS refers to an advanced stage of HIV infection, when the immune system has sustained substantial damage.
The only way to prevent infection is to avoid behaviors that put you at risk.
Scientists have developed an effective arsenal of drugs that can help many people infected with HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) live longer and healthier lives.
2006-02-28 4:04 pm
AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome)
A state of severe immune suppression caused by the HIV virus. A diagnosis of AIDS is given to a patient infected with HIV and who also experiences at least one condition from a list compiled by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as for example an infection with cytomegalovirus (CMV) or a cancer such as Kaposi's sarcoma.

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