how do you please your self ?

2006-02-28 5:54 am

回答 (6)

2006-02-28 5:57 am
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Alot like Foxy does on Drawn Together....LOL
參考: :))
2006-02-28 2:12 pm
Spend money I do or don't have on specialty soaps, perfumes, shoes, purses, lingerie and jewelry. Fortify shopping trip with cocktails, shop more. Take a cocktail hour and get kinda tipsy....go back and make that outrageous purchase, head home, dump it all on the bed and play with it, blend something sublime, flop on the couch and flick through a magazine. It's pure girlie, senseless pleasure.
2006-02-28 2:00 pm
Riding through in the night downtown on my bike, that's how i please myself
2006-02-28 2:00 pm
i eat cake.......
2006-02-28 1:58 pm
if u have money just spend it all

thats wat i do when i want to please myself
參考: me
2006-02-28 1:58 pm
Answering questions in YAHOO!ANSWERS.
Now I'm pleasing myself. :D

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