I got to know this guy because he's the son of my dad's friend.my dad likes him and hoping that he can be my boyfriend. I'm living overseas and so far only met him twice. The first time we met, we exhange contacts and email add. The 2nd time we met, we exchange gift. I wrote him emails after the first meeting, we got to know more about each other, but after two weeks, he never reply my last email. After the 2nd meeting,I sent him a very short email,but he never reply.i kinda like him,but I feel stupid if i continue to email him even though I know that he may not reply.
When i last month, we met for the second time and he gave me a wallet as gift.and I thought i should give him something in return. So i bought a Jacket to him and he wore it once he got it. And when we were having dinner together with other family members and friends, he took the food for me as I was sitting next to him. he did that because I am only friend to him or he may like me?