Is it possible to find the right girl in internet?

2006-02-27 2:14 pm

回答 (10)

2006-02-27 3:22 pm
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I think you can, just be carefull sometimes it might happen that u like her moore on the internet than in a real life...
2006-02-27 10:37 pm
it's possible, but better try to know more about the girl through emails or othe boyfriend found me through internet, but I can't say he is the right one for me. Anyway, internet is only 1 of many ways of knowing friends.So, good luck!!
2006-02-27 10:31 pm
Sure!! Me and my fiancee met in yahoo chat!! You just have to be willing to meet someone off the internet in person! Good luck to you!!!
2006-02-27 10:22 pm
Yes, since you can understand her before jumping into any conclusions.
2006-02-27 10:21 pm
My husband found me like that;)
2006-02-27 10:21 pm
Anything is possible! You sure can meet some to roll-ah-romp for a nite from yahoo chat!

You can find the right girl if form the beginning you are both honest, that their is ann attraction to a recent full body picture and that you enjoy chating and talking and things dont get boring and you find yourself longing for that person 5 minutes after you talked.

But bottom line is that nonvverbal chemistry~ kissing, holding hands, eye contact and other stuff that have to do with being in person are so very important to the biological reason on why your attracted to someone else.
參考: ME
2006-02-27 10:20 pm
You've gotta be patient, send and ask for pics, personal info... and with a little luck, you can get the wanted girl.
2006-02-27 10:17 pm
of course. im looking for the right man on the internet, and i have a variety of choices.good luck!
2006-02-27 10:17 pm
Yes it is possible but can be harder at the end.
參考: learned the hard way
2006-02-27 10:16 pm
Anything is possible. Some have. Good luck, if you are looking.

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