what maybe my problem, im 25 yrs old, and still havent have a boyfriend before?

2006-02-27 12:43 pm
im not a picky type girl,and many of my friends dont believe that i have'nt been have a bf til this age.most of men who's asking me are married and im afraid to fall in love with a married man...

回答 (6)

2006-02-27 12:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Perhaps it because you gravitate to older guys. At 25 it will be harder and harder to find older guys that are not married. You should try dating guys closer to your age. Dont mess with a loser who is looking to cheat on his wife, he will do the same to you.

Perhaps you havent been lucky to meet the right guy within your circles of friends, you should try eHarmony or yahoo personals to meet new people...
2006-02-27 3:41 pm
My friend is 32 yrs old and never have a relationship and still can't find a boyfriend now. Just be patient. And please ignore all the married men.if they r really interested in u and u r inerested 2, tell them to divorce with their wives first!
2006-02-27 2:33 pm
dont worry about it the right time will come for you
2006-02-27 1:04 pm
hey you! calm down! 25 is nothing yaar! you will find the right man when you are supposed to! till then read mills and boons and buy yourself cards and gifts! its a good thing to wait for the right guy! just dont go for the herd mentality! you dont have to find a boyfriend just because everyone else seems to be in a relationship! thats the worst reason to be with someone!! and for heavens sake dont fall for the trap of a married guy!! all that is a big crap!! just wait for your knight in a shining armour! but hey dont expect him to be handsome ,rich , chivalrious and romantic at the same time! that will take too long to find and you might turn 52 by then!! just look for the few basic qualities that are required for the long run like family values, mutual understanding & respect!! these things matter the most!! also check out his financial background, which by the way is veeeeery important for a relationship to work out!! you dont want him to travel by bus when you are driving a mercedes or vice versa!! best of luck !!
2006-02-27 1:02 pm
Hi There,

Ok being 25 and not having a boyfriend before LOSER!

No I'm only joking please don't take that the wrong way. Why do you think you havn't had a bfriend before?
Only you really know the answer to this. If you tell me it is because no men like you I won't believe you because I'm sure you have had offers before.

2006-02-27 12:55 pm
Oh honey, I know quite a few women who have not had a boyfriend and who are in their 20s. I myself am 22 yrs old and have yet to have a boyfriend! You know what I think, I think that people are so afraid of being alone that they feel the need to always have someone, even if they are not good for them. I don't think that I am picky either, but I've realised that I am not going to settle for anything less than what I deserve, just because everyone else is doing it!

Don't despair, the "right" man will come along, and when he does, you will be ready for a long-term, serious relationship with him. Why? Because you've had the time to get to know who you are and what you wnat from life!

I read a very powerdul saying somewhere that goes "mature love doen't love because it needs, it needs because it loves". Remember that.

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