What's my favorite color?

2006-02-27 3:54 am
In 24 hrs the person who first guessed my fav color will recieve 10 pts.

Plus you'll recieve 1 pt for each thumbs up you recieve after i declare in the best anser...

回答 (20)

2006-02-27 3:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
LOOKS LIKE GREEN TO ME ... mine is red.
2006-02-27 9:08 pm
2006-02-27 5:19 am
I know you buddy, I know your personality and I know everything about you, your favorite color is BLACK, how did I know? I am your destiny!
參考: Camus.
2006-02-27 4:31 am
2006-02-27 4:21 am
You look like a person who love the color green.
2006-02-27 4:12 am
2006-02-27 4:10 am
i will say blue.
2006-02-27 4:04 am
I would say Red & Green Plaid.It's our scottish tartan colors.
參考: My dad,whose just about the coolest man I know.
2006-02-27 4:01 am
i have to choose one that hasn't been given yet ... how about brown?
2006-02-27 4:00 am
peach (ornage)
2006-02-27 3:59 am
2006-02-27 3:59 am
2006-02-27 3:58 am
you need to give us hints, but i'm guessing, blue or red or green.
2006-02-27 3:58 am
your fav color is purple
2006-02-27 3:58 am
2006-02-27 3:58 am
2006-02-27 3:58 am
2006-02-27 3:57 am
i say red.
2006-02-27 3:57 am
it is green and i am lez if you are a girl i love you
2006-02-27 3:55 am

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