What animals in a forest act like a society?

2006-02-26 3:54 pm
I need the answer now please.

回答 (5)

2006-02-26 4:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
There are many kinds of animals act like a society.
For example, ants.
Ants work together for their living.
2006-02-26 4:44 pm
In some findings of several researches show that there are many kinds of animals live in own societies.Monkeys, termites, bees and ants are some of clear examples for it.
2006-02-26 4:02 pm
Northern American Wolf They have leaders both male and female. They hunt for food as a pack. Wolfs have care giversto watch the young etc.
參考: any book about wolfs
2006-02-26 3:59 pm
2006-02-26 3:58 pm

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