If you are given a chance to live on moon . WOULD YOU?

2006-02-26 2:59 pm

回答 (10)

2006-02-26 3:03 pm
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Oh Yeah, I would love that, then I could look into the sky and tell the kids, "look there, thats the Man and the Earth"
2006-02-28 4:04 pm
I am the Moon! :p

Well,I really like to be alone,but not that much!
Moon :)
2006-02-26 4:06 pm
2006-02-26 3:16 pm
Nope, I like down here. A lot more cozy
2006-02-26 3:07 pm
tat would be soo kwel. i always open for new things. but i would hav to take my friends wit be thou.
2006-02-26 3:05 pm
Maybe for a few months. I would be worried that my body would acclimatize to the weaker gravity and I wouldn't be able to go back to the Earth.
2006-02-26 3:05 pm
Have you heard about the new restaurant that recently opened on the Moon? The food is out of this world, but the place has no "atmosphere".
2006-02-26 3:04 pm
Nope. It's boring to live on the moon alone.
2006-02-26 3:03 pm
Nope.I like living with species of my own kind.
2006-02-26 3:03 pm
I'd visit, but not want to stay there permanently. I hear the moon dust can cause problems after a while.

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