if you know a female, what is the best for u, to be friends or she becomes ur g/f ?

2006-02-26 2:23 pm

回答 (6)

2006-02-26 2:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If she is hot, i'd like her to be my gf. :D
2006-02-26 10:46 pm
how do you both feel about each other? If theres feelings on both sides then go for it!
2006-02-26 10:43 pm
2006-02-26 10:36 pm
2006-02-26 10:35 pm
try make frenz before move on to gf...sometime its better to be frenz rather then gf..if frenz it will last longer..if gf when u quarrel,thats its is the end of the relationship
2006-02-26 10:29 pm
It all depends on your relationship with her.

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