can money solve your problems?

2006-02-26 6:33 am
if you inherited alot of money would you be happy and have no worries?

回答 (25)

2006-02-26 6:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
Money is not a solution for all your problems. The 'Theory of Availability' applies to every thing in life. If anything on earth either it money or love, available immense, you start take it for granted. Your interest in it will go. You start wanting for somehting else. Its the very human nature!
2006-02-26 9:00 pm
money is a necessary thing, but make an experience by yourselve and try to live a month without money, just to find out how dependent you are from money....or better, how dependent you are from your habits to use money...
2006-02-26 5:02 pm
now a days money makes mare go.answer is yes if u r not in love.
2006-02-26 4:44 pm
Money would solve a few of my problems, but I know without a doubt, it would create more problems than it would solve.
2006-02-26 4:43 pm
yes and confirm !
2006-02-26 4:30 pm
It depends a lot on the nature of one's problem. There are times when you need money for medical treatments, or higher education expenditure, where money can enable you to solve such sort of problems. On the other hand money is not the only answer to every problem man is facing on earth, there are many well off people who can afford to buy any commodity or luxury for themselves but they are not happy with their family life, one might be facing some disorder, some are victims of lack of satisfaction( that could be any aspect, though lust for more), loss of loved ones sometimes seems to be incurable, peace of mind and contentment too is a wealth, one should always try to be thankful to Almighty.
Meditation, prayers, discussions with a confidant can also help us a lot.
2006-02-26 4:25 pm
My can merely solve my financial problems and other materialistic problems. I still have a body and money cannot buy all the things to solve my physical problems.
2006-02-26 3:30 pm
If you are born with one hand, or one leg what would you feel.
So I feel money is not the only solution.
2006-02-26 3:10 pm
sureeeee would! I would be out of debit, can do whatever I want. The only prob could be everyone knock on ur door wanting some and u need to not over do it and lose it all
2006-02-26 3:05 pm
Only the problem of not having any problems.
2006-02-26 3:02 pm
Money can solve my financial problems, but not anything else. Of course, everybody would then be asking me for money, so it would probably create more problems than it solved. Maybe if it came in an installment plan I'd be alright.
2006-02-26 2:59 pm
Hah! I wish it was that simple! :-))
2006-02-26 2:51 pm
Echoing Adi's response, money can't solve all your problems, but it solves some of them and leaves you freer to try to fix the rest of them.
2006-02-26 2:50 pm
I was a secretary for the president of an small oil & gas company in Houston. He and his whole family were cursed with too much money. A millionaire, his children were in and out of rehab for alcohol and drugs. His wife knew he had younger girlfriends so she was heartbroken. He constantly worried about his investments and whether or not his money was secure and how he could get more and more money.

He really didn't have any friends to speak of that actually cared for him and not his money and he was the most miserable man I ever knew.

The only problem I have right now is lack of money, but I realize from experience that money can't buy happiness.
2006-02-26 2:46 pm
The way I see it is: poor people have all the problems of the world such as food, housing, transportation, work, etc. Rich people have only one problem; not having the problems of the poor people. I would rather have the problems of the rich than the problems of the poor.
2006-02-26 2:42 pm
Nope, in fact I've talked to a few folks who had some money and decided that it created more problems than it solved and they gave it up for a life with less stress.
2006-02-26 2:41 pm
Although money can't solve all of my problems, it can solve most of them.
2006-02-26 2:39 pm
I got problem on my bills so money can solve my problem. But money can't solve my dignity
2006-02-26 2:38 pm
Absolutely!!!! If it doesn't then you've HIRED the WRONG HIT MAN...
2006-02-26 2:37 pm
No because money can't buy true friends nor a true love.
2006-02-26 2:36 pm
right now,YES!YES! YES!
2006-02-26 2:36 pm
NO!! defenatly not!!
2006-02-26 2:34 pm
Pretty much. : )
2006-02-26 2:34 pm
At this point in my life YES. Lack of cash is my ONLY problem right now. Quite frankly, it isn't even that big a problem.
2006-02-26 2:34 pm

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