What is the difference between 'technic' and 'technique'?

2006-02-25 5:42 pm

回答 (7)

2006-02-26 2:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
"Technic" is not a word in the English language; "technique" is.
2017-02-24 3:50 am
Technique Or Technic
2006-02-27 12:28 am
I think "technique" is the proper way to do something. Technic may have been derived from the world techne which means an art or an ability. Just my opinion and I am not a linguist =D
2006-02-25 6:55 pm
same but ones proper english and the other is not.
2006-02-25 5:57 pm
'technic' is something to do with engineering and 'technique' is the way you do something e.g ice skating
2006-02-25 5:45 pm
One is proper engilsh the other is slang.
2006-02-25 5:45 pm
same thing

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