How can i lose 15 kilos without the help of excersice ?

2006-02-25 5:29 pm

回答 (12)

2006-02-25 5:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
stop eating marzipan!! HaHa (I LOVE that stuff!)

I'm an ignorant American, so I have NO idea how much 15 kilos are... But exercise is really key in weight loss. With cardiovascular activities, you burn calories and strengthen your heart and lungs. With resistance activities, you build muscle which makes you look more trim and toned, plus, it speeds up your overall metabolism, so your body will use calories more efficiently.

Otherwise, drink plenty of water and eat 4-5 small healthy meals every day, including fiber to help you feel full and to keep the intestines working optimally. You need some fat and salt, but you want to limit the amount.
2006-02-25 7:13 pm
I can help you to loose weight write to me at [email protected] for more details.
Here are some facts about my product and the company.

As the world’s leading weight-management company, Herbalife has helped millions of people lose weight safely and effectively for more than 20 years. Our experience, combined with the expertise of scientists, doctors, and nutritionists who make up Herbalife’s Medical Advisory Board, has led to products that are on the leading edge of health and dietary enhancements.
At Herbalife, we understand that people like to have choices when it comes to losing weight. However, these choices must be safe, effective and healthy. Our two simple approaches start with the essential building blocks of our Cellular Nutrition® Program (nourishment at the cellular level) and combine them with the fat-burning abilities of thermogenic herbs to create our Thermojectics® Programs. Both Thermojetics Programs are designed for optimal weight loss, powered by Cellular Nutrition® and include heart healthy, low fat soy. Healthy. Effective. Safe.
Choose from two approaches that are tailored to your specific needs. We’ve helped millions achieve and maintain their ideal weight. Let us help you feel better and look better for life. Both deliver weight loss and improved health at the cellular level.
2006-02-25 5:56 pm
humm...when you exersize oyu feel better and yur body is better able to lose weight. 34 lbs is easier to take off if you exersize. If your afraid of hard exersizes like tae-bo then try something less impact such as pilates or yoga. If you want high energy definatly do something like an aerobics class ( tae-bo,etc).
2006-02-25 5:39 pm
Well, you can always watch what you eat, but also dont just sit around. its not that hard to exercise inside either. all you would have to do is like 30 crunches a day! then stretch out afterwards so it stretches out your stomach.
2006-02-25 5:37 pm
ya excersice is the best way. Or drink water and not pop go for a run or ride a bike walk. I mean something fun not just pushup and shitups do something you will like. Play basketball just for fun.
2006-02-25 5:36 pm
Drink plenty of water.
However, I recommend you to do exercise every day.
2006-02-25 5:36 pm
Alas, you cannot. It is almost scientific evidence that weight loss and exercise are mutual, too bad.
2006-02-25 5:35 pm
Well, the dangerous and unhealthy way is water weight. Eat tuna and drink water, you will lose it fast but feel like s-h-i-t...good luck, have fun
2006-02-25 5:34 pm
5 small meals a day. Don't eat after heavy meals after 8PM.
Reduce Alcohol consumption on weakends. eat more fillers like cerial and alway start with a salad when your out or soup.
2006-02-25 5:34 pm
that's about 34 lbs, diet, but you really should exercise
2006-02-25 5:33 pm
You can try drinking green tea instead of soda or coffee.
參考: Oprah show.
2006-02-25 5:31 pm
It's a good idea to exercise because you don't just lose weight but get healthier - don't avoid exercise.

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