how the world end will be?

2006-02-25 2:54 pm

回答 (12)

2006-02-25 3:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
- Full of Dark
- Heavy Rains
- Big bangs on the sky
- Earth Quake
- and more and more horrible things.
- Only GOD knows the better.
2006-02-26 4:41 am
Alright this is the answer to your question. This is pretty obvious if you think about it. If I asked 100 people if they had the capability to end the world with the touch of a button I would probably get one crazy person saying they would do it. Now with that being agreed upon the next transition would be the advancement of technology. In a period of about ten years humans developed the atomic bomb. Ten Years! So my opinion is that humans will develop some sort of weapon whether biological or just a bomb that would be able to destroy the entire planet. This weapon will probably be a closely guarded secret at first, however it let time pass about a couple hundred of years and it would have to leak to one of those 1 in 100 crazy people who would have the resources to release this weapon. He is going to do it and humans are all wiped out. So really as the technology to create WMD's becomes better the worse the human race is. That is why we really need to stop countries with crazy dictators from creating these weapons. This will at the very least slow the process down. But it will happen and its pretty obvious if you think about it.
2006-02-25 11:56 pm
everything in space just, will collide with each other , because of high gravity between the terestrial bodies.
2006-02-25 11:41 pm
All life on earth will die once our sun dies. For some reason I can't remember, the sun will swell up and consume the inner planets before it eventually burns out and become (I think) a neutron star. I'm not sure if our sun has enough mass to become a supernova and explode (in which case, the entire planet will be destroyed), or whether the earth will be fried to a crisp as the sun swells up just before it burns out its fuel. If you're asking how will human civilization end, who knows. Some scenarios we've all seen in the media are: extinction level impact by a meteor, a deadly global pandemic, nuclear warfare, global environmental poisoning, too much McDonald's, etc.
2006-02-25 11:17 pm
Maybe it won't end, maybe will all become telepathic which would end crooked politicians and crooks period. Maybe we will actually harness light and go into outerspace and everyone will be so glad when they hear someone from earth is there (Can you picture it, "Hey look someone from earth, over here dude") we will all become like brothers and sisters--- or at least have the relationship no one seems to grasp yet.
2006-02-25 11:07 pm
in the end there will be a great war of wars,on one side will be the people from the great popcornpopping company "ORVILLE REDINBOCKER", on the other side will be the peoples from the great chocolate company known as"HERSHEY" as they are the last surviving companies from the great corporate wars of 2014, but in the end there will be peace and detante as the power of the 2 last remaining combatants though great fell when something known as the chocolate covered popcorn came to into being and peace and tranquility once again ruled the land known as earth.
good night to all The JuJu Bean
參考: A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
2006-02-25 11:05 pm
1. It might be crashed by an object from the outer space.
2. It might be demolished by World War III.
2006-02-25 11:04 pm
It will definetly not a spectacle to watch.

The world, it is a reality that is relevant to individuals. Your world and my world are different. The world for me will end and judgement day will start (Qiyamat) as we die. What difference will it make for me that a distant land still lives, mine would have ended any way. The important thing is how we live it, as we go along. Are we making a difference to those who will come after and who are with us or are we just a number.

Another important thing that life teaches us: We have to be usefull to ourselves first before we are able to help someone else, if we are a liability ourselves then what good we can do for others.
2006-02-25 11:04 pm
Meteor, new ice age, nuclear war, major desease, alians, flooding from global warming, destruction of the ecosystem, religion, the sun going into a supernova, the moon impacting the earth. Take your pick, then build your bomb shelter, but I don't think it will do any good.
2006-02-25 10:58 pm
2006-02-25 10:57 pm
no definite time. GOD only knows
參考: just me
2006-02-25 10:55 pm
it'll be blown up by aliens.

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