pls advice the best and sure way of quitting cigarette?

2006-02-24 3:34 pm

回答 (13)

2006-02-24 3:40 pm
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I quit smoking a year ago and the only thing wich worked for me was quitting cold turkey,and doings things i like wich kept me busy like reading, web surfing and each time i felt i was craving for it I´d eat lil chocolate or fruit,I think the best was substituting one habit for another , we´re all diferent and we all might need to use different strategies =). A strong will might be the only thing in common that can help us all..
2006-02-25 3:09 am
Well, I know a couple of people that went to hypnosis to stop and it worked well for both of them. They offer classes for this at our hospital, so maybe they do at yours too. When my mom quit, she put all the money she was saving from not buying cigarettes into a jar. It added up fast! She bought herself something nice with the extra savings, so that would be something to look forward to. And keep in mind all the things smoking can cause, healthwise. Picture yourself healthy and congratulate youself every day of your success!
2006-02-25 12:29 am
I quit nine years ago, cold turkey. I gave myself a birthday present that day. It's been the best thing I've ever done for myself. How I did it was, I made a choice. Did I want to continue singing, or smoking? Did I want to lose my singing voice, or continue doing the one thing I enjoyed more than anything else? When I got to that point, I had no other choice but to choose singing. Give yourself those same choices. Make it only two. To breathe or not to breathe...THAT is the question! Continuing to smoke WILL limit your breathing capabilities, eventually leading to other difficulties. You may or may not get cancer. Do you really want to play cancer roulette? Are you tired of hacking when you get up in the morning? Then, while inhaling that first puff, you hack some more. Isn't that fun? And how about that great cigarette aroma that follows you wherever you go? And that sweet tobacco breath you have while trying to convince your sweetheart to kiss you? Yuck! How about the holes in your brand new shirt, pants or seat covers of your car? And the yellow nicotine stains on your fingers? Then you have the cost of buying cigarettes, continually on the rise. And the danger of driving and smoking...those times when you drop your cigarette in your lap...or trying to look cross-eyed at the end of your smoke while you light up? These are all questions you can ask yourself, while considering why you need to quit. Smoking is NOT cool. Never has been. I started smoking because I wanted to fit in with the kids I was hanging with. They ALL smoked. It was an almost unwritten law that you had to smoke or you couldn't hang. Looking back now, I realized that hanging out with them brought me more misery than I needed. It wasn't worth it. I got into more stuff than was good for me. It led to a lifestyle that hurt me very much. So, having that unique position of hindsight, I can now help you to see some things that you might not otherwise see. Before you go to bed tonight, throw away everything that has to do with smoking. All your lighters, ashtrays, and even the things you bought with your cigarette points (jackets, posters, hats, etc.). Go out to your car with your vacuum and suck out the ashtray and anything else that might have fallen out of it. Put up no smoking signs in your car and your home. Get a jug of Febreeze and spray your home, clothes and car. Brush your teeth. Rinse your mouth with mouth wash. Go to bed. Wake up and get a big drink of water. Don't give in to the urges (and they will come). If you see someone light up, excuse yourself and walk away. Tell non-smokers that you quit. They will give you lots of tips to stay clean. Tell your smoking friends that you still love them, but you don't enjoy the smell. A lot of smokers will actually honor your desire to quit. The ones who don't aren't your real friends. Stand firm in your desire to stay clean. The cravings will come very strong for a few days, so find some busy work to do. Stay away from eating as a way to replace what you've eliminated. If you must eat, eat carrot sticks. After a while, you'll find that walking up stairs is easier. You might even be able to run without hacking afterwards. That weight on your chest will lift. You'll smell better & kissing will be very delightful! I do admit, I get cravings still, even after all these years. You're not just kicking one habit, but two. You've created a new hobby, with smoking. You gave your hands something new to do with themselves, filling up more of your time with a stupid activity. So, while kicking the nicotine habit, you also need to put something else into that time that you spent while pursuing your smoking career. While many people say that they quit because of a loved one, the best reason to quit is for you. Give your loved one the best gift you could ever give...yourself, smoke free! <*)))><
2006-02-24 11:59 pm
yeah home schoolis got the answer JUST STOP its no problem i did it 2 years ago and i smoked 20 a day. dont waste money on acupuncture,hypnotism,patches or chewing gum none of these work, throw out any youve got left and dont buy any more. good luck i wish you every success
2006-02-24 11:52 pm
i wouldn't know coz i haven't stopped smoking yet.
lemme know. thanks!
2006-02-24 11:47 pm
determination! I have tried many ways of quitting cigarette b4, but the most effective one is having the determination to overcome tobacco dependency.
2006-02-24 11:41 pm
I ahve smoked for 9 years and quit cold turkey for one year out of those 9 and i went back to it i gained so much weight before i quit i was a size 0 to a 2 after i quit i was a size 7 to a 9 so i went back i know its stupid i have cut down to 3to4 a day but when i drink forget it im going to try to get hipmatized how ever you spell it it worked for my uncle for 3years he was going to get help with easting after quiting but didnt and gained alot of weight to so he went back i will do both at once good luck.
2006-02-24 11:41 pm
Make up your mind to quit. Find something to occupy your time and keep your hands busy. Recognize, times that you struggle to not after eating, after sex, first thing in morning, or whenever you most likely are going to crave the cig. Once you ID the times, find another healthy habbit to do at those times. Like everytime I crave the cig I will chew a piece or gum, or brush my teeth or do some deep breathing and relaxation excercises, etc. Be consistant. Remember the urge will pass in a couple minutes...when the next urge comes be ready. Over time the urges will decrease in length and intensity. Positive thinking and desire is crucial! Best of health.
2006-02-24 11:40 pm
Ask yourself "Do I want to live or do I want to die?" go from there...and save the link below to refer to...
2006-02-24 11:39 pm
Just stop.
參考: I did.
2006-02-24 11:37 pm
go to a counselor
2006-02-24 11:36 pm
cold turkey , dont buy them ,, stay by yourself ,drink cold ice water, withdrawal is hard but you can do it...

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