Is it ok to wear a tuxedo in the casinos in las vegas?; or it that not done anymore?

2006-02-24 8:09 am

回答 (11)

2006-02-24 1:09 pm
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Should not, or you'll feel embrassed and uncomfortable, and not enjoy the fun.
Listen to the guy who works there.
2006-02-24 12:28 pm
If you want to stand out as a first class asshole instead of looking like all the other second class assholes, yes.
2006-02-24 11:36 am
2006-02-24 8:20 am
You can wear tuxedo or even kimono as long as you don't get nude. :)
2006-02-24 8:20 am
i'm sure you could do it if you wanted to, if they don't do it anymore you'd be a big sensasion! people wear cowboy hats in there don't they? why not a tuxedo? go for it man
2006-02-24 8:14 am
Do what you feel like doing dude.
參考: Your life
2006-02-24 8:11 am
Dude... you can wear a chicken outfit, once you're gambling.
2006-02-24 8:11 am
only if you want to look like an employee
2006-02-24 8:11 am
No, thats overdoing it. Maybe on New Years eve, but thats it. People go dressed as slobs now.
參考: I work on a casino floor in Vegas
2006-02-24 8:11 am
ya sure you can wear that. u will look sexy and hot.
2006-02-24 8:10 am
Im sure some people do it, however it would be kinda cheesy. Everyone in the casino would ask if you just got back from a wedding or something like that. Try getting a nice looking suit. That would look much better.

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