How do I turn my question into a vote?

2006-02-24 5:27 am
it says i can get two points for yahoo answers by doing that, but how is it done?

回答 (5)

2006-02-24 5:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
To the right of your question there is a lot of buttons. There should be a call a vote button. Press It. There you go! You have to wait at least 24 hours before you can do this.
2006-02-25 12:23 pm
i dont know its a hard question.
2006-02-25 11:33 am
To be sure we're all on the same page, we're talking about _putting a question up_ for vote. (There's no way to actually turn a question _into_ a vote!) Lara_croft and Jane_Furrows are both right as to how this is done.
2006-02-25 1:21 am
The above answer is absolutely correct.

Go to your question page.
If you don't know where it is, you can find it by clicking on the My Q&A at the top of the screen or by doing an advanced search for your user name.
To the right side of your question will be the option to call a vote.

Note: You have to wait 24 hours after you ask the question to call a vote. You can only call a vote if your question has received two or more responses.
2006-02-24 1:31 pm
don't know

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