a shy guy and a shy female love each other but starting is a problem. How to start to love?

2006-02-23 5:29 pm

回答 (7)

2006-02-23 5:37 pm
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Well my friend is very shy. At the school dance another shy boy asked her to dance. His best-friend and I had to help start the love. It wasn't easy, because yes they would hold hands and hug, but they would never talk. so we gave the push they needed. If they're your friend, help them a little. It goes a long way.
參考: My friend's relationship.
2006-02-23 5:37 pm
Easy just hangout togeter nature will do the rest.
2006-02-23 5:35 pm
One of them should overcome the shyness and show the love to him/her.
2006-02-23 5:35 pm
Body language and eye contact are often easier than using words when you're shy, and much more effective!!

Also, initially use emails or chats to get to know each other better and make moves. When they know each other a little bit better they might feel less intimitated to start a relationship in person.
2006-02-23 5:34 pm
It akes me a while to warm up to people but someone has to break from that shyness and say hey lets do this or that. If you do this then the relationship will go smoothly. Try It!
2006-02-23 5:34 pm
get them somewhere where it isnt crowed but no completly alone to where they feel like they are hiding something ... go to a sonic and sit at the tables and just start a general conversation about something and try and get them to click.
2006-02-23 5:33 pm
STOP BEING SHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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