If you changed the spelling, you would lose the etymology of the word. It derives from the word Wodnesdæg (the day of the germanic god Woden, also known by the name Odin)
Yes - it'd be a good start to a general revision of all English spelling. Good old Webster did his best, but he was up against huge conservatism. There are two reasons why people don't want to modernise English spelling : one is a genuine attachment to funny old ways, and the other (stronger) is the fact that, having learned the odd, ridiculous, antiquated spellings, most people feel proud and would rather others went thru the same grind of learning than make it easier for newcomers (and harder for themselves to adapt to the new, modern spelling).
The name "Wednesday" literally means "Woden's day." Woden (Odin) was a chief god of the Teutons. The name is a Germanic translation of Latin "dies Mercurii" (day of Mercury).
If you don't like the word "Wednesday," how about calling it "Midweek"? That's the literal translation of the German name for Wednesday, "mittwoche." :D
HOw bout...Whensday.Or WINSDAYYY!!! it makes it more fun to say then just plain old..."Hey, yeah, todays Wednesday." BOooo. Sucks doesnt it? When you say, "HEY! Todays Winsday!! more fun. Actually, it would still be the same, but it would be spelled differently. Lol. Duhh...I knew that.
"Psh. No you DIDN't", says God
"i knowww i knowww i didn't know that", says me
"No u didn't", says God
"SHUT UPPPPPPP!!!", says the Devil (lol)
"SHUT down", says God
"Shut around", says ME
LOL, get it? Shut up=heaven Shut down=hell Shut Around=earth